I love this site all the members and that consistanly give quality feedback. Supporting this site was the best $20.00 I spent. This is the first Maverick I have owned. My daughter is very excited to get out and compete in the high school drags this year. Thank you Everyone!
I agree! If you want to know something or find something relating to a Maverick or Comet, you need to look no further!!!!
I agree. After a year, I have never had any sarcastic replies other than in fun, only help. Other sites always seem to have some garbage. The caretaker of this site should be than thanked big time! This site has helped me and encouraged more than I can describe.
Whad'ya mean a year?????? You got a week to go, could be banned before then... Seriously I agree totally, kudos to the management... I will say these cars probably have much lesser following by the Type A personally group who are are often engaging in pissing matches, my sh** is better than yours, etc... I found same on the Fox Thunderbird site, we went for like a year without a administrator or moderator and for most part had no issues... Finally someone found the administrator who had lost interest and took over the duties...
I like coming here. The people are the best part of the Maverick/Comet community. The cars are a close 2nd...
I agree with all of the above, everybody here wants to help the next guy/gal succeed at their vision. If you want to build a fast 6 popper, no one says why, they say cool! You want a stock restoration, a resto-mod, a street fighter, or a daily driver, these folks say go for it! How can we help? Anybody whom I have bought parts from has been great to deal with, one member(Junrai) recently sold me some bucket seats,tracks , and risers and took the time to box it all up real nice and ship them 2800 miles to me...outstanding! Anyway thanks people
I also agree! I came from mostly the Mustang world of forums and some of those really have members that are hard to put up with because of their 'I'm better than you are' attitude. I was really surprised that there were so many knowledgeable people about these cars. I knew I had always liked them from the time I was 6 years old (grandfather had a Grabber Blue '71 Comet GT) but never figured that there would be such a following for a car that was mostly marketed as a cheap, dependable economy minded car.
I am glad you enjoy the site Maverick/Comet folks are great people and I have had the pleasure of meeting several of them in person over the years
I'm on a lot of forums, this is by far the best run one yet! Some of my other Xenforo sites are having issues, never seen a problem here... Speaking of which, I see my "Supporting Member" status is no longer. Didn't get a reminder this year and forgot how to re-up. Need a hint...
Just tell Stefan you want to give him money. He'll show you exactly how to do it. Probably the best money I've spent on the car so far.
There is link to renew in the toolbar. Here is the direct link http://mmb.maverick.to/account/upgrades Thank you for your support.
Done, thanks! Didn't the renewal option used to be under our avatar? Plus I remember getting a reminder a month or so before expiration, which didn't happen this time...
I have been on this site since 2000, and it has become a daily "must do". I have met some of my best friends here, and will always be gratefull for Stefan providing us a great place to learn and converse about a seriously underrated and underexposed car from the glory days. Guys, support and post on this site, and also join the Maverick/Comet clubs (MCCI, MCG, CAMEO and some others I don't know of). The more folks we get to recognize our cars and the people who love them, the better we will be represented in the aftermarket with parts and information. Good job Stefan, and thanks for all you do for us, Earl