I have a 302 v8 74 maverick, I went to start it this morning and the fan comes on but when I went to start it all the way, the engine but turn over, it was like it wasn't even getting connection, I put some gas in it but I don't think its enough, any help? Battery maybe or start solenoid
With the lights mentioned in you other thread not operating, I'd be checking battery... Good chance it needs recharged...
If the starter isn't engaging, then I'd say the solenoid is a prime suspect. I'm having the same gremlins with solenoids, none made today for these cars are worth a shit. Mine went bad just in the week or two it's been down with the heads off the engine. Got it all back together and went to start it up and..........................nothing. Though the battery was dead, nope, it's fully charged. The crap solenoid was dead as a door nail. Tapped on it with a big screw driver and the damned thing broke in half.
If the starter isn't engaging, then I'd say the solenoid is a prime suspect. I'm having the same gremlins with solenoids, none made today for these cars are worth a shit. Mine went bad just in the week or two it's been down with the heads off the engine. Got it all back together and went to start it up and..........................nothing. Though the battery was dead, nope, it's fully charged. The crap solenoid was dead as a door nail. Tapped on it with a big screw driver and the damned thing broke in half.
Alright I got it fired up when I got home, I picked up my battery from auto zone fully charged and the maverick fired right up with no problems