Just curious if this is safe/repairable. This is above the axle near the axle bump stops. I know this is a tell-tale area if the car has been rear ended. This car has air shocks (which I'm removing) and at some point the drivers side shock came through the floor so there was some damage to the drivers side shock mount area and someone tried to repair it. The rest of the frame rails look good and the rear panel looks to be original. If it was in a rear end collision some how nothing else was damaged. Can anyone tell if this looks like it has already been repaired (on a frame machine) Just want to get opinions.
One picture has a hole and a crack, yes this can be corrected. It should be done by a competent Welder, by the frame specs. I would not patch this area ! I have seen rear frame rails crack all the way through from this kind of bend. I'm not trying to scare you,just do it right! 155149 I believe.
What was the 155149 number you referenced? The hole is from where they tried to torch some sheet metal out from the shock mount.
Yes the 155149 looks bad ,either way a torch cut ,or crack is not good if it is in the frame rail. Looks like a previous rear end job.
doesn't look wrecked to me, more like someone was trying to weld up some rusted out spots and didn't do a very good job...JMO
I had a bulge in the exact same area from a rear end hit. It also pushed my trunk floor up. Take it to a frame shop and have it checked and straightened. Micah
Mine was hit in the back 30 years ago. About a year ago, I had it on a frame machine and the rear was pushed down about 10mm. The frame was cracked all the way around where the bend goes over the rear. I also drove it that way for almost 30 years. They pulled it, and welded plates over the cracks. You can also replace frame rails if necessary. Mine was worth fixing to me...