On the way to play golf yesterday spotted a maverick and comet at a local shop. Both had seen better days. Got to looking and the maverick had a pristine condition hood lip trim and grille. Called the owner of the shop talking to him and he decided he would come off of those parts for me. Walked out with both for $100. Never come across this kind of a deal and it made my day.
That's great! It's better than him saying he's going to restore them someday and then he crushes them... have had that happen a bunch of times. Nice to know some people out there are still 'reasonable'.
I've got one of those in my backyard, my son's car that hasn't been tagged since '05. He keeps saying he'll "work on it soon" while I keep watching the rust holes grow bigger, along with the requisite stains on my concrete apron. It's on jackstands that used to be orange (now white) and they're shaded 90% of the time...