X 2 on this. Get a mechanical gauge and install it before doing anything else. 40 year old gauges cannot be trusted to be accurate. Hell they weren't all that accurate to start with.
4 day old gauges can't be trusted either. Check out this video with new oil pressure gauge. I didn't have a thing to do with what happen to be playing on the radio at the time of making this video...but the song title almost fits lol http://1bad6t.com/Maverick/oilpressure.avi
The temp gauge was new but I replaced it anyway and it still showed hot, As far as the new motor, I purchased a long block where the heads were factory installed. Don't think there's that much of a chance of them getting the head gaskets in stalled wrong. At least I hope not. I'm going to check the timing and figure out why the motor has a miss every once in a while. Starts up fine and sounds good. Just has an issue when driving down the road. Buying the reinforcement springs for the radiator hoses too.
You can check the gasket installation just by looking at the front corner of the block where the head doesn't cover the deck, if the gasket is on correctly, that area will be covered by the gasket extending out past the head. All that aside, you cannot be absolutely certain the engine is overheating just going off that factory gauge. It only has "C" or "H", neither of which tells you the actual temperature of the coolant at the sensor. What most consider "overheated" is actually often normal temps. Anything from 170-220 is "normal". Making anychanges based on the needle pointing to "H" without knowing the actual temperature "H" represents is an exercise in futility.
does the Electric fan start at all? i Guess you have installed å temp switch that starts at a set temperature? if it does not start it have not got to the set temperature of the temp switch. do you know when the fan will start`? i have mine on 90 degrees Celsius. that might help you on Your way to figure out the gauge Readings are wrong or not sorry bad English writing from norway
I'll check for the head gaskets. I had an aftermarket temp gauge that included amp gauge and oil pressure gauge. I installed another temp gauge to see if the other one was defective / wrong. The car came equipped with a dummy light temp light which wasn't connected anyways. The electric fan I installed is turned on manually with a toggle switch inside the car on the console. That's the first thing I switch on before cranking.
ok hope you find out whats wrong. the elctric fan was my first Guess. but if you switch it on before cranking thats not the problem
Is it possible that the electric fan is spinning backwards? I know it's highly unlikely, but just trying to cover all the bases...
not to nitpick here.. but why on earth would you need to "switch the e-fan on before cranking"? Just absolutely useless loading of the electrical system when the engine hasn;t even warmed up yet.
Just a habit so I don't forget. Is there a way to check the flow of the water pump? I'm trying to eliminate all the possibilities/ Process of elimination I suppose. Oh, btw, the fan is pulling air good through the radiator. Blades on correctly.
If heater hoses are getting hot the pump is circulating(seen old pumps with rotted impellers cause heating, heater hoses barely get warm)... Also radiator hoses should heat up when thermostat opens... Without radiator cap in place flow through top of radiator should be visible as also... Any chance the thermostat is in backwards??
Thermostat is in correctly. One question, When they talk about the rotation of the motor or water pump and they say: Clockwise or counter clockwise, are they talking about facing the motor or water pump or from behind the motor or water pump ? Facing it it's rotating clockwise.
check actual temp with another thermometer. I am thinking the gauge is junk. No boiling over and none of the other issues mentioned. If you do confirm that it is running hot. Have someone put a pressure gauge on the radiator cap and see how quick it builds pressure. A cracked head or block, or a mis matched gasket getting into the cooling system will cause the overheating, after all of the other possibilities mentioned are eliminated. Being this is a new engine, anything is possible. Good luck!
Front of engine.. All V belts will be clockwise, serpentine can be either but if it's driven by ribs on belt, it's clockwise... If it's driven off back side of belt, that's counterclockwise...