I'm not aware of any Law that says reverse lights are mandatory. They're basically a courtesy to let people know you're backing up, as well as helping you see at night while you're backing up. Now with that said......that car does have reverse lights. They are white LEDs in the lower-half of the bumper. You can't see 'em in the photo.
Pay attention: THERE ARE NO Maverick "coupes". There are 2-door SEDANs and 4-d00r SEDANS, and it has nothing to do with Mustangs or Corvettes. Those are completely different cars with completely different body-styles. I guess you've never seen a '55 Chevy 2-door sedan, or a '40 Ford 2-door sedan, or a '49 Oldsmobile 2-door sedan. The number of doors has nothing to do with it. Now what's really funny is that the 2-door Mavericks probably would be called "coupes" if those quarter-windows didn't pop open.
People are so funny about a two door, coupe, sedan lol who cares !! By the way how about the word Tudor from our past lol have fun folks this should get interesting !!
Webster says that a sedan is an automobile with two or four doors, a permanent rigid top, and a full-sized rear seat. A coupe is a closed two door automobile with a body smaller than a sedan.
Explaining something to you is "negativity"?? Wow. Some people just have such huge egos that they can't stand to be corrected when they're wrong about something. I was trying to help.
I know you were trying to help but it was just my opinion and it's like you took it as an offense, it was just what I personally thought about the maverick, my main point was to talk about ideas I had and share it with you maverick and comet fellows out there and all of a sudden I felt attacked because of my opinion, didn't mean to make "negativity" sound offensive
Dude, no one was attacking you, and I wasn't offended. You can learn a lot here. I'm still learning stuff all the time.