Has anyone deal with this issue? I can feel the steering will rubbing against the Clutch EZ Bar when i am turning an clutching..... and anyone tell me why or how to fix?? Also, what is the proper installation of the pivot ball, bushings and clip? a diagram would help.....
see if you can find the diagrams you need here: http://www.1bad6t.com/Maverick/repair/exploded_views_trans-axle.html
Thanks, that does help, but the replacement parts that they sell are a little different then the original equipment.... #1 Pic is the old stuff, 2 is the new stuff..... from the link that you sent me Illustration section 75 clutch pedal and brake pedal 1970/72 Maverick-#7B545, 7543, 7A531 are now plastic and there is no hole in the EZ bar for 7B545 to clip into to hold the bushings in place... did i get the wrong ez bar as seen in pic #2?........... this is starting to get to me!!! Does any one want to buy a Maverick??? Just kidding!!!
yes, the replacement parts are plastic. from what i see in pic 2, you're trying the wrong half of the z-bar. look closer at the upper half in pic 1, you can see the small hole where the clip goes in.
yea i know what you are talking about, but this ez bar in pic 2 does not have that holes..... out side of that could that be the reason the ez bar is sliding from left to right on the pivots ending up resting against the steering?
the missing holes should be the reason for a sliding z-bar. it keeps the two retainers in place, and engine movement is compensated by the ability of the frame side to slide in and out.
Time to convert to a hydraulic clutch system. If the Z bar is slipping off the frame pivot, the motor mounts are either too mushy or the Z bar is too short.
Any suggestions on where to get one that is going to work right??? I don't think that is the case but it might be a nice up grade....... right now i am dealing with a bigger issue then the clutch rubbing.....