Thanks for all the input but my baby is feeling much better today and running good. Replaced the Holley with an Edlebrok and while doing the rebuild on the Holley found the bowl full of trash..... seems like the Edlebrok is not as responsive as the Holley, now that i have rebuilt it i plan to put it back on an see if i can feel the difference.
that looks like it sucked up your rock garden... never seen that type of trash in a fuel bowl. was the filter full of the same stuff?
No i had replaced the filter, but i think it was a little to late and all that stuff got pass on the old filter which was way over due for replacement.....
Well I dunno how that stuff got into the bowl but no chance it came through the fuel line, as particles that large won't pass through the inlet valve... At best they'd jam the valve and pour gas over the intake...
Well all i know is that it was a load of crap and this is the first time i took the carb apart since i brought it so it could be years of build up...... so 2 new issues........... 1.) when i fill the tank i am getting leaking over the top on the back side of the tank (axle side) there is a rubber tube that connects to a steel line that looks like it runs down the trans tunnel to the engine bay, with out taking the tank down yet i am guessing it connects to the vapor valve???? 2.) last night for the second time my car acts like the battery is dead but it checks out good, i mean, turn the key and i get the " dead battery click".....but lights work, buzzer buzzes........ hook the jumper box and she starts right up. Could i have a weak cell in the battery or is this the early stages of a failing starter???
1. You likely have a hole in the fuel tank. It's not gonna leak from the vent on top. Pull the tank, take it to a radiator shop and have it boiled out and see if it can be repaired. 2. Could be a bad starter or corroded battery cables.
1. Yea, I think there is a hole some place but it got to be in the top half, cause it only leaks when the tank is over half full........ 2. I have replaced all 3 cables..... pos. neg. and starter cable......... does anyone know what i mean when i say battery smell? its like a acid, sour smell.... I get that sent every now and then but no one seems to smell it but me...... I know i not crazy........ could this be a clue to my issue???
Yeah I know that sour smell, comes from a bad cell that's boiling when charged... Never seen anything but a replacement battery fix it...
Thanks Krazy, i knew i wasn't CRAZY!!!!! i will be replacing that tomorrow! !!!!! And could that lead to a "dead battery moment" when everything has been fine all day?
The battery could also be over-charging due to a faulty voltage regulator. I had a battery boil over because of that.
Hmmmm thanks for the tip, i think I will change it out along with the battery. I am sure it's time for a new one by now. What amps should my alternator an regulator be anyway?