Dennis Carpenter has added weatherstrip to the Maverick section of his website. I'm a firm believer that competition is a good thing when buying parts. Just wanted to share the link and remind everyone to do price comparison when buying Maverick/Comet Parts.
isn't carpenter the one who's producing these parts in the first place? prices seem to be competitive with most other places...
yes, but since he makes them, he can sell them to you a little cheaper, and he has flat rate shipping!
So, without doing a search and sending multiple PM's to get opinions of the guys using the various weatherstrips?.. yeah, I know I'm trying to be lazy here but it's tough to muddle through the huge amount of info on this site.. which ones have been known to be the best? Best windshield? Best rear window? Best door seals? Best quarter window seals? Dammit Rusty(Mercgt73)!.. quit screwing around with those steering wheels for 5 minutes and make us another batch already. I need parts for this winters resto work.
It doesn't matter. They are all the best. They are all the worst. For example: Only ONE company makes a windshield gasket. So it is what it is.
That's the biggie I forgot to ask right at the end of my reply and kinda what I figured may be the case. Thanks much Craig. Kind of a quick aside comment. But this is common these days as there are only a handful of companies making the many different varieties of engine components too. Rockers, valves, pushrods, connecting rods, etc, etc. The only major differences are the spec's required for the company making the order within its individual design parameters, metallurgy spec's, and dimensional control. White box business mentality.
the only w/strip I have a problem with is the door seals, I purposely have left off the bottom door seal because if I DO install it....the door wont close, all they need to do is redesign it WITHOUT those big bulky ends, other than that I guess they work ok. Am still glad they are reproduced, NOTHING is being made for my 62 Lancer, which means it will have to survive with original stuff, which also means I cant restore it the way I want to. Bummer.
As already mentioned, it's all pretty decent except for the door strip. And yes, I have seen Rusty's quarter-window seals and they are awesome.
other than the glass gaskets I am going to where I know there are three Mavericks in a bone yard and get the door gaskets off donor cars they aren't new but they will work I just won't wash the car I will use spray detailer when it needs cleaned I'll just use it on sunny days anyway
Fairchild makes/manufactures them and the best price I found so far is RockAuto. Haven't found who manufactures the quarter Windows though http://afproducts.automotivefairchi...replacement-parts/ford-replacement-parts-kits