I was wondering if anyone wants or has use this hood, it's Fiberglass, was looking for a scoop for the gt hood and yea $125 good or no http://losangeles.craigslist.org/sgv/pts/5155598986.html
I was texting and then talking with the seller for about an hour. He said the hood was made by Unlimited Products in So Cal. Anybody heard/used them? It has never been mounted on a car and has a couple small chips. He lives 10 minutes or less from my Grandparents and he will be delivering it to there house in the next couple of days. Thanks for the heads up Wolf!
I didn't purchase it I just wanted to let you guys know and see what it could be worth I'm interested in the comet hood cause of the style but congrats on whoever got that deal!!
Unlimited Products is a terrible product and a terrible company. Someone will have to put a LOT of work into that hood before it's ready to be installed on a car & painted.
True I suppose but like almost every part on the market that's aftermarket usually doesn't meet the expectations or dimensions required
yes i bought a grabber spoiler from unlimited and what a piece of garbage it was hopefully their hoods are better
I ended up purchasing the hood. I did some investigating on Unlimited Products hoods and I heard a lot of bad and good about them. For $150 I thought it was well worth the price especially since it has never been mounted, plus he delivered it to my Grandparents house about an hour ago at no extra charge.
Sweet!! Glad your happy with the purchase! Dunno if I helped or if you already had your eyes on it I'll post more of anything grabber or maverick related to see if anyone is interested, just wanna help a few owners looking for parts
Maverick Man carbon fiber hood fits just as good than a stock factory hood. 9 times out of 10 you get what you pay for.
Yea I heard about maverick mans work, I'm glad that the products with carbon can go so far, I actually may consider the hood scoop he has