so my donor 302/3speed was pulled from a 65 mustang. im not sure if the flywheel was from the 302 or the 289 it replaced. got a few questions here: -will a 289 flywheel eve bolt to a 302 crankshaft?(the crank has the 3 bolt front pulley) -are the pressure plates and clutches the same 302 to 289? the clutch pickup gets really REALLY heavy right up until the clutch disengages, then it gets easier. this make the car 100% undrivable. its using a diaphragm pressure plate ad the pressure plate that came off had the 3 fingers and coil springs.
You could have a 10.5" clutch on the early 289...most 302's use a 10" clutch. I think the pressure plate bolt pattern may be different. You will find out when it comes time to bolt them together.
more than likely you have a 28 oz. 157 tooth flywheel which can accept both 10" and 10 1/2" pressure plates, if you have a 164 tooth (ring gear) flywheel, then it will accept up to 11" pressure plate. As mentioned early, the flywheel will interchange with 289/302. Would also recommend having your flywheel resurfaced and check the bushings on your pedal support bracket to see if they are in good condition. If broken/cracked or worn, can cause heavier than normal effort when depressing the clutch pedal. Same with the Z-bar arm, check their bushings for wear too. David
all of the above has been done. going to replace the new pressure plate to see if the clutch throw improves. its about the only thing i havent done yet. I still have the original pressure plate that came in the engine trans combo when i purchased it. i may clean that up and try it.
I'm assuming this is a conversion from automatic and if you did not install the clutch assist spring under the dash, pedal effort will be VERY heavy... BTW four bolt pulleys began in '70 which moved water pump inlet from passenger to driver side... 302 for '68 & '69 still used the three bolt balancer & pulley same as 289... The 50 oz cranks began in '81, one piece rear main seal in '82...
Early 289's have 160 tooth...302's have 157 The early 289 uses a 10-1/2" only pressure plate. Although other holes are drilled none have threads for the bolts. Not that heavy with a diaphragm pressure plate. I have read on the internet that some people will remove the assist spring when swapping to a diaphragm style plate to keep the spring from "riding the clutch". I removed the spring from my setup on my 250 Maverick t5 swap with diaphragm style plate. On my Falcon the assist spring is adjustable and I need help the spring supplies with the 10-1/2" Ram 3-finger pressure plate. My Maverick clutch pedal is a lot lighter without the spring than my Falcon pedal is with the spring.[/QUOTE]
nope car was a I6 3 speed. i am not using the return sprig under the car by the linkage, and i have not messed with the pedal assembly. iv verfied the casting numbers on all the parts im using except the flywheel. gotta remove it from the engine to read and im not looking forward to that but oh well. the bellhousing, this engine, flywheel, clutch fork, and a toploader 3 speed came running out of a mustang. the only parts iv changed are the pressure plate and throwout bearing. everything is just rebuilt. its that i doint know what car to order a clutch for. a 289 mustang or whatever the 302 came out of.
Look at bell casting numbers, there is info on net that ID the origination... Here you go, had it saved...
which pressure plate are you going to use? The 3 finger "Long" style or "Diaphram" style?? Also, as mentioned by Jeff (rthomas771), early 289's did come with 160 tooth ring gear, but later on, along with all ford replacement service parts, where 157 tooth, both are interchangable as they have the same ID/OD to fit on the flywheel and will work with same starter. Also, both 10" and 10 1/2" pressure plates use the same 5/16" mounting holes on the flywheel, so if looking for new PP, would be goodtime to invest in larger 10 1/2". This is what I did when I had to replace a 10" clutch on my 65 Mustang 289. It's only on the larger 164T flywheel that 11" can be used, as bolt hole circle is larger for the 11" pressure plate. If you can, post a picture of the pressure plate you are going to use and someone will let you know if it is the right one or not. Good luck! David what is the tooth count of the ring gear on the flywheel you are going to use? how are the teeth like, if getting worn, it can be removed and turned around for fresh set! If really bad, then replace......... FYI, those who don't have access to acetylene torch to heat up the ring gear, put the flywheel in deep freeze overnight and next day, with propane torch, can heat up the ring gear enough so it can be removed from the flywheel. Can then turn around and reinstall with fresh set of teeth to engage with the starter and/or install new ring gear.
Just getting some closure. We pulled the tranny (again. i swear i could do a full clutch job in under 45 minutes) and called valeo with our clutch part munbers. turns out the kit i got was correct, but the pressure plate in the kit was not. The guy from valeo couldn't tell us what it was for, just that whatever it was, it was not sold in north america. The pedal pressure was enormous. Tonight i just installed a new parts store brand pressure plate and the clutch is smooth as butter. I will be back on the road soon. only been like.... 4 years... ish.
Great to hear you solved your problem, too bad Valeo packaging was wrong, wonder if they will reimburse you for your time did they say anything or offer any refund? David
i dont even remember where or when this was purchased. it was probably purchased with the engine rebuild kit years ago. this project is moving really slow.