So I haven't start it in a few weeks and after I got my optima battery, I started it up with the 1 gal of gas I had left, it would start shaking badly at idle (never drive it, or drove it, just been parked) and it was shake so badly the whole car would shake and I'm not talking about like normal, when I rev it, it acts normal but that is of course I could only rev it if I keep the car idle for a few seconds and slowly apply pressure to the gas and work my way to rev it, but if I floor it then it would kill the engine and did this multiple times (v8) I had to restart it but it would stay running if I kept it at idle, but would die when I rev it, any help? I haven't touch or molested the motor whatsoever
Um possibly, I'm thinking of replaces all the spark plugs, wires, and maybe a new distributor but stock re manufactured for now if that helps...?
Was this 1 gallon from the gas tank? If it was and the tank is original you probably have rust in your carburetor as all the sediment sits at the bottom of the tank.
Um what do you mean from the gas tank...? The original owner would run it every weekend and he rebuilt the carb, it would run out of gas and it did today, I just fill it up with whatever is left from my law mowers gas can (1g)
I'm asking was the fuel from gas tank? If the tank has rust in it when you run it low on fuel the fuel pump sucks the rust at the bottom for the tank and puts it in the carb. What you describe sounds like fuel starvation.
Ohhhh alright, I doubt it's the tank cause it was replace at around 8000 miles ago, so maybe just needs gas
Tank has never been full of gas regularly???(Car just sit around unused) Probably have water in the tank...Happens to sitters...Pick up is sucking the water/sediment off the bottom of the tank. Makes the engine unhappy...Pull the fuel filter and try to blow through it...If its difficult to blow through...Its plugged up.Probably have water/sediment in the carb float bowl too at this point. You can try some dry gas in the tank with at least 5 gallons of fuel as well. Or...Pull line from tank to pump...Put hose in container of fresh gas...Hook hose to fuel pump. Change fuel filter...Run car...See if its better.Will run poorly till water is out of carb float bowl. If it gets better...Bobs your uncle...If it gets only marginally better...Dead horses in carb (Sediment/rust etc...) Gonna have to clean it out...Then try again...Dont spend money on new parts till you know what the problem is...Otherwise you will end up chasing your tail and not solving the problem. Or...Its a vacuum leak... Or its an ignition problem etc... Start with the diagnostics you can do without having to spend money and go from there, Good luck!!!