Hey guys. Checking out the lower control arms I had just installed and took a closer look at the driver side lower control arm. As it is the lower arm is not square in the mounting position and is awaiting the strut rods to be adjusted to pull the arm forward. Problem is that if I did start adjusting it forward I found that this bolt pictured would not allow it to. It would bind against the arm and no doubt do some damage. The bolt is holding a bracket that the hoses run through. I am guessing the factory couldnt have done something this silly but the bracket looks stock and so does the bolt. Ideas??? I have removed it and I will work out another way to secure the hoses. Thanks in advance guys.
Yes I do believe I can. Can't believe it was in at all. Might explain why my wheels didnt sit evenly in the wheel wells. Might also have something to do with the badly bent radius rods that look as though someone supported the car up on jack stands with! I give up. Thanks for the tip though. Will do.
Only a few threads should stick out of a threaded hole like that anyway - looks like that bolt was the only one that someone had found and rammed it in
Here is location of where those PS hose/bracket mounts to front of engine/frame bracket. Did the rest of your suspension replacement parts (idler arm bushing) arrive yet? David
I'm still scratchin' my head on the orig pict(in focus would be nice)... There is supposed to be a P/S hose retainer bracket on the rear of the lower control arm mount... I believe that's what's pictured, but bolt is no doubt longer than what would be orig... Rear bracket is missing on mine(I don't consider it necessary), but does have the front one... The upper threaded hole is what the rear bracket bolts into...
Sort of see the rear bracket mount, lower RH corner of picture........as mentioned earlier by Bob and Tom, bolt just too long, either find shorter one or just cut existing one shorter. David
Yes they did. About finished but need to put the camber bolts back in properly and stop the leak from the pump. Nearly there. Pics to come shortly. Thanks