On page 64 in the little pics at the bottom that show the "Long Haulers" ... Chip's Red Comet! Also, on page 74 was a mention of taking pictures of John and Violet Nilson's Mav in the text on that page about the Gulfport MS to LA day trip. John Nilson was mentioned here in this site in the 2008 Power Tour thread, so this must me a frequent thing with him.
John is a pro at the power tour game. My car requires a magnifying glass to see in the drone shot of the parking lot.
Hi Will: I noticed in the current issue of HOT ROD Magazine on page 84 , or 64 I think ( don't have the magazine anymore) on the left hand bottom of the page they have a picture of my red Comet in front of the Power Tour Trailer . I was shocked to see it !!... usually Hot Rod Magazine features that other brand (chebbys) . ( By the way .. are you gearing up for NEXT YEAR'S Tour ?? Hope to see you then .. Should have three cars in that one .. The last one was a real grin) Cometized (Chip)
I warned Jake again last night that if he doesn't have a car, and $2000 for expenses he's staying home. Trying to get him motivated again, but I realize that 0600 workouts, then class, and back to baseball practice doesn't leave him much time, nor energy for much else. Hopefully we can get both Mavericks on tour next year, even if his is pink.... lol
Tell Jake to Keep plugging away at it and I'd wager you'll both be ready for the next tour .. There is a LOT to consider and a lot of "work" required as you know to pull a HR Power Tour off . Maintenance, tires , mechanical duties, Housing on the road .. etc. etc. Anyway ... We got nine months before the NEXT HRPT rolls around. I hope to to see you both on the road again ! I plan on being on this one ( Lord willing !) Chip
I changed my initial post since that is Chip's Comet on page 64. Chip, I believe that it is a tradition to run the small border pictures in the magazine like that to honor all the Long Haulers. You did the entire tour, right? Anybody that does the entire run, my hat is off to you. I did segments of Power Tours in the past, and after 3 or 4 days, I was pretty well spent. So much to do .... so much fun, too.
Hi Cap : Yep ! I did the entire tour along with a couple of other Mavericks like John and Will .. we seen each other at the various stops but I don't think we ALL got together in one spot at the same time frame. Weird I know , but its like a "parking thing" also .. if you're driving IN to a stop they direct the Longhaulers to a designated parking area and that's where you go .. no arguments .. So sometimes you could be really close to the vendor areas, and others times several blocks away .. Just depends on when you arrive. I hope to make the 2016 HRPT also .. just don't know WHERE it starts and Ends Yet !! It may be more traveling than I want to do .. I guess I'll see when it gets closer to starting .. It's good you participated in some Tours .. you certainly got the "flavor" of the event by doing that .. Being a Longhauler isn't necessary to enjoy the event. I've made several, and my office wall is covered with photos and Group Photos of Past HRPT's .. They stopped doing the Group Photos this year .. their reasoning was .. There are TOO MANY people to fit into the camera shot .. ( Sounds like baloney to me .. whatever happened to taking TWO or more photos ?? Ha ) Didn't mean to go on so .. Hope to see you on this next one Cap.. incidentally .. are you going to the All FORD NPD show in Ocala , FL this upcoming January ? There are a great bunch of guys that attend and I know you'd enjoy the show. See ya ' Cometized (Chip)
You got there early, by the time we drug in no body cared. We wheeled in like we owned the place. Lol.
Hi Will: All in All ... I had a great time .. It was nice meeting you in person and I'm looking forward to seeing you "again" on another HRPT ! I hope the NEXT one isn't a " train-wreck" . We'll see eh ? (Chip)
I should check in more frequently..... The picture session came about because Elana flagged us down and asked it we would like to participate in a photo shoot on the drive to Louisiana. Hell yeah! We went into a park and they took a half dozen shots and sent us on our way. Elana stopped us at the exit, took all the pertinent info and got everything correct except my wife's name. How they got Violet from Sue is beyond me but it has been fodder for jokes. One of our PT group is looking for purple shirts for Sue to wear next year to go with her new name You can see the pictures in the Power Tour coverage on the last day's drive, there are 3 in the photo gallery too. Here is one of them.... Will and Chip, I hope to run into you guys again next year. We will probably long haul again regardless of locations just because it has become part of our summer vacations. We are going to miss 2017 because of a wedding. nothing like planning ahead but the kids picked the weekend the PT usually kicks off and the wedding is a can't miss. John