i wanted to get a picture of a chick by my car in a bikini and when i checked around all i got were krispy kreme girls
Gentlemen, when you look upon one of the female gender is such a manner you are neglecting to realize that she may have thoughts and needs that require the attention of one's conversation. She may be working at such a place because her circumstances may leave her no other choice. You should remember that she is someone's daughter and may need fatherly help. And above, all you should remember that there is more to a woman than her looks and figure. Let me tell what else my wife said.....
Yeah, thats what my wife said too....but all I heard was...."blah blah blah blah.....bla blababa blah bla blah......." ..........................huh?..did you say something dear?
I got some good shots with the Budweiser girls three years ago and for the life of me I haven't been able to find them. There was three of them dressed similar to the Hooters girls and they did a real nice pose by my red Grabber. It really aggravates me that I can't find them. I have about 16000 digital photos I've taken over the last 6-7 years and I've got to get them organized a little better. I'll keep looking and post them when I find them.