Unless you are going to drive it every day forget insuring it with a std carrier, use someone like Hagerty, Grundy, etc... They won't have a issue with VIN and will insure it for a stated value...
I'll post pics of the belts soon. Good idea on the insurance. I'm going to look into antique or classic plates. Not sure what PA rules are for that but will look into different insurance. Mine covered it but seemed confused by the VIN number
In fl you can use antique plates on a driver, they are actually a lot cheaper. But it varies by state so you will have to check.
" No person may operate a vehicle with antique or classic registration plates for commercial purposes or for general daily transportation. Permitted use is limited to participation in club activities, exhibits, tours, parades and similar uses, and for occasional transportation. Occasional transportation means no more than 1 day a week." http://www.pacode.com/secure/data/067/chapter67/chap67toc.html http://www.dot.state.pa.us/Public/DVSPubsForms/BMV/BMV Forms/MV-11.pdf
The insurance co will also state limited usage... In VA you must have at least one regularity insured/licensed vehicle in your name to qualify for vintage tags... If you don't, you can supply a notarized letter stating you have use of another vehicle that's in someone else name.... I believe both parties must have signed it...