Hi there! Well, some of you know my car, a 71 mav. Recently I changed the differential, new rear disc brakes, new wheels. I also bought an insulator roll from lobucrod (Dynamat is to expensive for me) to make this car a daily. So, this saturday I decided it was time to make the insulation install. I started to take the old carpet off. After completely removing the old carpet I found rust marks on the rear floor panel but also find out that the front passenger and driver floor panels are definitely in bad shape. (previous image) As you can see the rear driver floor panel is the only original and it's rust free The car was completely restored 9 or 10 years ago. Front floor panels and rear (passenger side) were replaced. After removing the adhesive and some of the rust to see the damage, I discovered a hole caused by all the rust. Now I'm sad because I'll have to spend money I was saving to buy suspension parts. I could do it myself but I have no idea how to weld First, I will have to remove the rubberized coating to see all the metal, because I'm thinking that behind the coating there will be rust... Secondly, I think I will cry. Anyway, there's plenty of work I'll have to do, wish me luck.
That is a shame but think before you really go tearing into things!!!! Perhaps the situation is not as bad as you believe it to be! What caused the rust? Do you have a leaking heater core? Are the floor pans really that bad to require replacement?
I'll second that. then I'll add.. you might want to consider using a better floor pan coating this time around.
Have you checked your " Cowl" area ? Pour a gallon of water over your windshield at its base and inspect under dash for leaks .. Use a bright light . Just a suggestion . Cometized (Chip)
My front floors in my 70 had areas where they were really badly rusted through but decided to just repair what was needed instead of adapting early Mustang repops to it and it worked out better than I expected
Your car poss, have water intrusion, poss cowl area or windshield seal bad , or side kick panels area if you have antifreeze in the radiator discard the hater core coolant wont rust metal. the water intrusion seat for some time under the carpet . like cometized said water test the vehicle to pin point the problem Good Luck.
I try not to get any water on the windshield when doing a cowl check. it may be a false reading from a windshield gasket leak...
Thanks for the reply guys. I finished my inspection and also cleaned the adhesive left. I checked the windshield and cowl are. The leak was from the windshield. Although the car was barely exposed to rain, it was enough for the water to get inside the car. I took another pics, the floor panels look like a mess, definitely not going back to the same guy who restored the car. Don't blame me for that, I was 14 (didn't know what a car was hahaha) You can see the holes on the front floor panels. I decided to remove the rust with a wire cup brush and discovered holes. I checked the metal after brushing and it has a rough Surface 'caused by the rust so I think It would be better to replace the panels instead of removing all the rust. I also removed all the carpet from the car even the trunk area, looks like the trunk is in good shape or better than I expected. That's my report. This tuesday I'm gonna take the car to a shop to see the estimated cost of the repair and decide.
looks like a good Rustbullit project to me...http://www.rustbullet.com/testimonials/united-states-navy-vessels a lot of Guys on here use it, I love it.