What parts do you all need the most, List in order from most needed to least. Here's my list: 1) Valances 2) lower patch panels- door, fender, quarters 3) floor pans 4) inner aprons I could go on but you get the idea. Maybe Dynacorn is watching??
I thought with Dynacorns new Grabber hood this would spur some hope for future pieces. Sorry to it didn't strike your fancy.
Probably over 1Million Mav/Comets produced, should be a good market at least for a while. Would make our cars more expensive to buy if parts were easily obtainable like the Mustangs
Cruzin was getting at the fact that this has been discussed before and the companies are aware of the needs for the parts but the facts are the manufacturing costs outway the profit that can be made. Some parts may be made perhaps but dont count on it but one can always hope
i don't think there's money in re-popping Mav-comet parts. Some have been built but people complain about the price. Nice pieces are not cheap and you can't compare them to mustang prices.
The difference is they will sell the Mustang parts more than 10x the amount they will with Mustang parts versus a Maverick part. Companies look at potential sales as a determination to produce a part of not. To be brutally honest most Maverick owners are too cheap to pay for a nice repoped part. I looked into making billet hood hinges and I couldn't find one person to pay the going rate for the hinges at a current Mustang or Camaro price. If you find a company that is willing to make a part you should get it when have the chance because they probably won't make multiple runs of those parts. There is the usual demand and interest at the beginning then the few that want and are will to pay for them dry up and know they are sitting on a run of parts they cannot sell. With the total number of sales that they can make they have to sell Tha,kat a higher price to make money.
Totally true but as we all discussed in a previous thread, the wrecking yards are running out of parts and that will push up prices with time, maybe enough to make it worth proving a fender die for each side. MD
I know, I found (1) 70 Maverick in the yard with 2000 cars in it. I got the doors, fenders and a beautiful deck lid for under 200 bucks. Granted, they weren't perfect but had little to no rust. I can repair some dents and preserve them for future needs. I could not stand to see them go to the crusher. Thought about going back for the quarters with a saws all. Should just cut the vin out and take the rest maybe.
I think these cars are going to have to be worth something to high end Ford collectors before anything big happens...JMO