I just swapped the 1973 tank with a 1976 tank and installed a 1976 fuel sending unit that I purchased from autokrafters. Its a 19 gallon tank and the fuel sending unit is the correct one for the tank. After fulling the tank the needle went to full but its staying on full and not moving. Is the fuel sending unit for the 76 compatible with the system for the 73 or is there something im forgetting to do?
how many miles have you driven it on full? how full did you fill it? did you put 19 exact gals. in it to start with? float arm may be stuck in the up position...
I didn't measure the amount. I just filled it up. Ill run it until its empty to see if anything changes. I was wondering if the 76 fuel sender is compatible with the 73 gages or if there was something I needed to change. I just hooked up the 76 fuel sender without changing anything else in the electrical system
unfortunately I didn't think that far in advance. I should have tested it before installing it. Its gone down a little below the full mark now though. It should have moved before this though. Its like the tank can be filled higher than the sending unit reads. I drove about 60 miles before it went below the full line. Which shouldn't be the case
Any GM car I've had goes at least 150 miles before coming off full, my Dodge Dakota starts visibly dropping after 35 miles. It's all in how the float tracks...
I believe my 1976 had a new fuel sender put on before I bought it. The top half of the tank lasts forever. The bottom half goes quicker and it will actually go WAY below "E" before it is empty.