I am getting an occasional knock or pop in the drivers front when I have the wheel turned to the right and the car leans hard or goes over a bump. It doesn't happen every time though. The car tracks straight and doesn't pull to either side when rolling. I pulled on the upper and sided of the tire\wheel when it was on the ground and jacked up and there is no excess movement. I got under and pulled and pushed on all the suspension parts and nothing feels loose. When I pulled in the upper control are it slightly made the noise. I am thinking its the spring perch or the shock. I have a squeaking noise on the same side when pushing up and down on the fender. I know this opens up a lot of possibilities but anything else I could quickly check. I just want to make sure I don't have a dangerous situation on my hands. Thanks!
Sorry for not including that. I re-did the upper and lower control arms and the ball joints about 7 years ago with a kit from Laurel Mustang. The kit came with the ploy bushings and they all look in good shape. The ball joints have the grease fittings.
I put 1 inch lowering springs and new shocks on about 3 years ago but did not replace the upper or lower spring perches. I also put a whole new from disc brake kit on 2 years ago that came with new tie rod ends. I also think the shocks are blown because after we drive it around for a while that wheels have some liquidity greasy stuff on them. I'm not a mechanic and the work I described has been installed by shops. I'm trying to trouble shoot and learn so if I have to take it back to a shop I can pinpoint the issue and save a little $$$.
Well, looks like those parts most likely not the problem . Did u replace spring perches? Most times those noises can be a PIA to locate. If I were not able to figure it out, probably take the car to some shop who works on old cars and have another set of eyes take a look at it.
Ok! I see u didn't replace the perches. That is a likely source of the noise ur describing. I can't see removing/replacing springs w/o doing perches. They are inexpensive unless u opt for the roller bearing type. If the shop put on springs w/o suggesting replace perches "unless they were in good shape", assuming they were not - I think I wud find another shop. What about strut rod bushings?
It was my choice not to replace the spring perches. Guess that was a bad idea to save some $$. Looks like I'll do it now. Have not done the strut rod bushings but will have that done as well. Can always count on the good folks on the forum to help out. Thanks so much to 'mojo'!!!!!!!!
Do not use urethane strut bushing, they have a tendency to break strut rods. That is what folks who have had them attest. I have rubber replacements. U will alignment if/when u replace strut bushings.
I looked a little further into the front suspension kit I di 7 years ago and it can with the upper and lower spring seats and midolyne strut rod bushings. I used the same spring seats when putting the lowering springs in. Being that these parts are newish am I still looking in the same area for my issue. Could those midolyne bushings go bad that fast as well as the spring seats?
I doubt that the "midolyne" parts u mentioned are the problem. Unlikely 7 years wud render much if any degrading. I wud check the spring perches, since they have not been replaced.
So what is the rod from the lower control arm to the front cross member called. It seems the squeaking is coming from the part bolted thru the front cross member. Picture attached Are the spring perches the same as the spring seats?
If the strut rod is the problem, check the nuts on the LCA and if that doesn't solve it then you will need to replace your front bushings. Use rubber NOT polygraphite, don't want to have to do the job twice...
I used midolyne bushings on my 73 a while back and it was only about a year or two of recreational driving until the strut rod bushings cracked and were complete junk. Mine would pop over speedbumps and when going from forward stop to reverse. I replaced the strut rod bushings with rubber and haven't had a problem. Check these out for sure.
Sounds like I'm going to replace the strut rod bushings to rubber. I've personally never done this before. Is it a doable job. I'd like to try. Any details about how to do it would be helpful as well as torque specs on the bolts????