my 1970 maverick has drum brakes on the front,the wheel cylinders and brake pads are new ,problem is when i try to hit the brake to come to a stop they pull really hard to the left and cant hardly hold the steering wheel!tried adjusting once both sides,sound slike the problem is on the passenger side ! if so could it be the rubber brake line?any helpful tips would be appreciated
Yeah if the soft brake lines are old it's common for to have a blockage due to deteriorating rubber...
At some future point, consider converting to front disk -- better stopping and pulling to one side-- thing of the past.
X2... Drum brake work great if everything is working like it should. If drums been turned to far out of spec replace them.
I odered new rubber lines today if I change those and it still doesn't change the hard pull I will look further at the hardware
What is the condition of the wheel cylinders? They are not expensive. Since you have to bleed to replace the hoses, I would do the cylinders too. Hardware kit is not expensive either. Get a seal and repack the bearings. Do it once and do it right. Take a look at Rock Auto, sometimes they have close out deals on drum brake parts. Micah
I did the...change everything...when I first got my car. if it was damp, cold, hot, leaveing the house or driven a long ways they would still pull one way or the other at times...I went disc. and haven't looked back. even the best operating drum brakes are still...drum brakes. if it's a show car and all the braking is on and off a trailer, drum brakes will be fine...
I replaced the wheel cylinders about a year ago so I think they should be good, the disc brakes are great but this car I plan on selling sometime this year caus ei have to many projects 2 mavericks and 58 f-100 I hav ebig plans for ! the 72 grabber and the f-100 r the 2 I plan to keep so the 70 will be forsale I had planned to do disc brakes but now I just wanna get the drums working safely
I have to agree with everyone else. My car would randomly pull hard to right when braking and performance was poor even on a good day, I changed to discs and have no regrets.
Funny that there are so many complaints abut pulling, back when I regularly drove drum brake cars it wasn't a issue... My first five cars had drums, plus wife's VW & a '67 Falcon that was a driver for several years... Back when, if they did pull it was usually wet shoes from wheel cylinder leak or maybe wheel bearing grease, but most went years with no problems... I will say pulling seems to be more of a issue on vehicles that aren't regularly driven, likely moisture from condensation that has been absorbed by lining...
Since ur selling the car, I see why disk are not on the horzion. I am of the opinion that disk are a big improvement over drums. I don't know anyone who have disk going back to drums. I applaud you for getting the brakes fixed b4 selling the car.
One thing I think is perception. When all they had was drum they weren't bad. lol Now drive a new car and your old heap has tons of issues.
I drove my 66 impala with 4 wheel drums, it was always a crapshoot on what direction it would pull when stopping. I maintained the crap out of them and still had problems. you can get them to work right if you keep them leakproof, and use them regularly. but they still don't have the stopping power and reliability of discs. look at the bright side, they aren't Russian lada aluminum drums. (what idiots)