Just wanted to say hi to everyone and let them know I'm still above ground....I loved this forum and have really missed everyone....my Avatar has changed but I still have a deep love for the Maverick/Comet community.
Hey John glad you stopped in to let us know that your still kickin, anything exciting been happening with you ?
Good to here from you John,glad to see you are doing well,I`ve still got a good ways to go w/ my car but getting there slowly.
Well...bought a house in Salem, Oregon. Just got tired of the traffic and high prices in California. Had a 2014 TrakPak Mustang (pics)....just got tired of it sitting in the garage as I didn't drive it in the rain....so bought something that is fun to drive in all kinds of weather, can take 4 people easily and gets good gas mileage as long as you don't keep your right foot on the floor.
New Members Forum...LOL should be posted in..."old members thread"... nice to see you're still enjoying cars... just bought me a maxed out Colorado last week, love it. Frank...
Am happy to hear you're doing well and enjoying life in that awesome new Caddy. You obviously have excellent taste now all you have to do is put sticky autocross tires on it, push a couple of buttons on the screen, and go wrastle it around some cones or some of those killer road courses in your neck of the woods. No Mustangs required. Being a hardcore car guy as long as you've been I don;t see how that car can't eventually end up in Portland. And anyone knows what that car is surely knows it's built to run and seriously needs an ET slip in the glove box. If my car I'd probably end up on an airstrip with it too. lol Take care of yourself and enjoy that beautiful state. Lived around the Puget Sound for years too.. worth the trip to look around and go eat dinner. Driving directly towards and up to the foot of Mt Rainier is also an awe inspiring experience as well. Glad to have you around. Greg
John, I am just up the 5 from you. I moved here from S. Cal in 1990. Welcome to Oregon! And dont mind the rain.....this season is the wettest on record.
Good to hear from you John. Hope all is going well! I am still using the radiator, fan and shroud I picked up from you.