I upgraded my intake and carb to a Weiand Stealth and a Holley 650. It ran perfectly fine for a while after that and then in November I parked it in the garage and began rebuilding the front end. Admittedly I did NOT start it nor did I use Sta-bil during this entire time. I just finished putting it all back together yesterday and now I can't get it to start. I'm sure it's flooded now. It'll turn over until the battery dies but no luck getting it to light. What can I try to get it started again?
Make sure your getting power at the coils + terminal with the key in the crank/run positions. If thats good, make sure your getting spark at the dist cap/plugs. If thats all good, fuel delivery/wet plugs (You said you may have flooded the engine) is the problem. Unless you have bad compression it should run, unless your in the vacuum of space. Really cheap gas is the other obvious issue. Could be your problem, the volatility of gas drops off after about 3 months...The older it gets the less volatility it has. Put some fresh gas in the tank...
After u check all of the above things in previous post and they check out. Check the choke plate, make sure not standing open if u have elec choke. I have had an issue w/ hard start when I pump pedal half way to floor leaving choke open to far. I just tap it a hair now, once or twice depending on how long car has been sitting to close choke, starts very quick. I use any brand gas, no problem.
Got it started after verifying I had spark, plugs weren't fouled, and injected fresh has with a syringe right into the carb. Ran rough until the new gas in the tank got through. Thanks!