You should not be getting a bog with a 3,000 stall convertor and 4:10 gears. Caltracs will not help! You have other issues.
I didn't have any wheel hop, it just wasn't hooking up. The Caltracs dropped my 60 foot time by .2 secs. I am very pleased with them. Lee "THE MAV" Richart
So my brother has pretty much same set up as me in his mustang. I drove his car yesterday and noticed his highway rpm being much different. I put my car in the air and checked my rear diff ratio and found out the guy I bought the center section off of lied to me. I have 3.00 rear ratio. I was young and dumb when I bought it off him and didnt know better. I think once I put actual 4.10s in my car should be a rocket. Figured you guys would get a kick out of that.
With an 8" rear, you will be more likely to find 3:80 or 4:62 gears. If spending any street time, I would opt for the 3:80s. I had 4:62s and the only reason I got them was they were "almost free" ... dirt-cheap swap for parts I had and my best buddy was egging me on ...."C'mon, they'll be big, stupid fun". It was short-lived. In the 1/8th mile, my car was out of wind 50 feet to the finish line. It had 3:55s now. The car hasn't moved in years but this gear change is the biggest thing I look forward to. It was the ratio I was after in the first place .... I am running a pretty healthy 351.
Pretty much hit the nail on the head ,3.50 would be my choice anything above that and you'll regret it when you want to go somewhere on the street.