I know there has been a lot of debate about whether or not you can use a roller floor jack to lift the Maverick by the front cross-member. Jacking in the center to lift both wheels off of the ground may be different than jacking up one side at a time. Jacking in the center creates more weight on the cross-member while jacking one side creates a twisting situation. It turns out I have a set of shop manuals for 74 Fords. These are the manuals produced by Ford Marketing not the aftermarket "Hanes" manuals. I've attached two images, one showing the front cover and the other showing instructions regarding how to jack the Maverick with a roller floor jack. So, can we jack these cars up from the center of the front cross-member or not? Thoughts on the info shown!
Couldn't agree more, I use the torque boxes when lifting from the side or on a lift. When lifting from the front I place jacks under the torque boxes. When lifting the car with the floor jack on the front cross-member off the stands under the torque boxes there is definitely some movement of the front end before the torque boxes are lifted off of the stands.
I've jacked all of mine up from the front cross member and never had a problem. If you are having issues you're car is probably really rusted. In the above post where he said there is some movement before coming off the stands that is because you are transferring weight onto the rear leaf springs ,you'll see that too when you lower down onto the stands also then it is extending the rear leafs because the stands are closer to center of car instead of at wheel points.
I have used the strut rod crossmember and torque boxes frequently ... no worries. One thing I found thought-provoking is to NOT jack the rear of the car by placing a jack under the pumpkin on the rear axle. It puts strain on the axle tubes and can possibly cause the axle shafts and inner workings to bind a bit. The thought is that it can bend the axle like an inverted V, not enough that you could ever eye-ball it, but it may make things snug in there. I used to do this all the time and drag the car around. The suggested correct method is to only jack the rear axle under the spring perches.
CC, never considered the axle tubes. I use the installed frame connectors in the back whenever possible. But, I have used the 3rd member! Never really thought about that issue. Greasemonkey, not sure if there was a debate either but people often ask about this topic and I thought I would post the info from the official Ford manuals.
I use front cross member all the time. I put a piece of 2*4 lumber the length of the member on the jack lift point and bring her up. No issues so far!