When i got my car the guy said he "hadn't got to getting one up." I,m on a tight budget due to health issues,and have tried the pick and pull yards in the area,but no Mavericks/Comets to be found. Are there any other cars they will fit from,or does anyone in the southeast have one they would part with? I can't keep a whole donor around,let alone find one. Shipping a windshield would be expensive,so anyone nearby I could see about picking one up? Thanks
Hey Skip: Sorry about your health issues. I completely understand. I HAVE a windshield for you if you're able to make the trip to Deland , Florida . Come and get it . I took it out of a 74 Comet that I parted out an scrapped and I saved the windshield in case I ever needed another one. I have it in the attic of my shop in a safe place so it wouldn't get banged around. You don't have to BUY it .. I'll give it to You .One enthusiast to another . I've been there looking for parts. Lemmeno. Cometized (Chip)
Thank you sir,but I'm not sure I have a vehicle that would make it quite that far. I do thank you for offering to do that for a fellow enthusiast. My children are in south florida,and I had to borrow car and driver to see them this summer. I'll keep scouring,but if I have to make a trip down anytime soon,I'll give you a shout