OK Maverick fans. Anyone else have their rear window out and notice this hole? It is midway down the drivers side rear window channel. The car is a Dearborn car, 1972 if that helps anyone. Anybody else have this hole? The blue arrow points to the trim clip stud and the red arrow is the hole in question.
Thought about louver too, but there is not a mount there on louvers I have seen. I asked Craig and he had an idea - that it was a hole that might have been used for an alignment pin in the early build stage of the car when the lead line gets filled in (during bucking). Someone just forgot to lead fill in the hole that day during assembly. Mistakes were common on the lines back then.
looks like a hole that a body guy mighta put in so he could get a prybar inside the quarter and pop out a dent, Thats how the early dent doctors used to do it. Then they forgot to plug it up. Just a thought.
That is a possibility. My '70 I know the complete bodywork history of the car, but this one, who knows?
I'm with Craig...Hole for an alignment fixture during bucking...Didnt get filled in afterward. Probably something that kept the rear window opening square so to speak. Cant use a body you cant put a window in...
I had a parts car handy, so I cut part of the roof off to look on the back side to see if I could see a hole around the lead line. No hole.
the Dent Doctor took out a dent once for me and they drilled an access hole that looked a lot like that one...