I was born there. Although most of my family has passed on or moved away from there many years ago, I would like to come visit. The amount of work that gets done to my Comet this winter would be the deciding factor if I can bring my family over for the event. Also need some shakedown time to fine tune it and see if the stock block can handle my right foots bad attitude. lol Quick searched here and looked over at the MCCI site with no luck.. what's the event date?
Oofta.. can't say i really miss the Ohio valley heat and humidity that time of the year.. but i will mark it down on my "goal calendar". Thanks.
I certainly understand why these events are scheduled when they are with vacations and all, but it would be great to have it in October when it starts to cool down and the leaves change. That is when I really enjoy going for a drive.
You wud have to shoot for early October, cuz, might be to cool later in the month and daylight lose of a few hours wud most likely curtail some activities. I think last 2 weeks in September is about best time for a fall event. The only problem w/ that, so many other events competing in this time frame.
What yah talking about mojo all other events take second place when it comes to the Round Up or Gathering
No, I get it too.. just have some bad memories of painting exteriors in that kind of climate many years ago. lol Also on the plus side for later year events.. the air is denser and the roads are colder. More power = longer burnouts.
Hey guys just thought I'd throw this out there. Hop i'm not stepping on anyone's toes. But some of you may like to know about it. On july 22 show day there will be another good show going on. It's part of the ohio balloon challenge. We took the torino last year had a good time. Show time form 4pm to 8pm. Registration is from 2pm to 4pm. Know thats cutting it close.The cost for registration is $15. Dash Plaques are guaranteed to the first 100. Top 30 awards plus best of show, sponsor's choice, Warrior's choice, Cars in show get front row seats to balloon glow at dusk and fire works around 9:45 a lot of different food vendors and live music. About 30 minute drive form roundup show. Maybe great way to end weekend for you and your family.