i just picked up some ford granada spindles for a disc brake conversion for my maverick. the question i have is that these spindles have 4 bolts (drums brakes) where the splash shield goes and all the pictures im seeing of granada spindles only have 3 holes and looks to have mounting for a caliper bracket, is there a bracket i can buy to use these spindles for disc brakes or am i sol? thanks for any info.
In the picture - the Granada spindle is on the left and a early Mustang drum spindle is on the right. You said you bought Granada's, but if it doesn't look like the one pictured it is something else, as all Granada's had the disc one as shown. There is a kit that lets you add a caliper bracket to the drum spindle. Here is a picture of how that looks. You can hunt down this kit and see what it costs and use the spindles you have, but if I were doing this swap I would see if I can find the right Granada type spindles and just sell the others on ebay to get some of my money back. Or contact whomever sold you the ones you have and let them know they are not Granada disc spindles and maybe they will take them back. Post a picture of what you have so we can see for sure what you have. Good luck!
thanks for the info acornridgeman. i found scarebird.com earlier today that makes adapter to convert the factory drum spindle to disc. would i be better off going this route instead of trying to hunt down granada spindles? the only problem is that it seems i can only use 4 lug hubs with the adapter, would there be a way to use a 5 lug?
I don't know much about the adaptors but I would think everything is available for 5 lug as that is what most people want. The picture I posted above looks like a 5 lug on there. Question - do you have the other parts needed already besides the spindles? If not - maybe think about an entire kit. I use these guys - http://www.discbrakeswap.com/ - the kit #3 fits the Mavericks. The nice thing about these kits is you have every part needed to do the job right and don't spend time chasing down parts to make a drum spindle work right.
sorry for the late response. no i haven't ordered any parts for the swap as i wanted to make sure if the spindles are the ones i needed. thanks for the link, now that have some time i can finally check out the kit.
The Mustang swap they have listed on that site looks interesting. I wonder if you have granada brakes if it's possible to upgrade to the sn95 mustang stuff without changing spindles.
The SWAP 4 kit is the SN95 and is a complete bolt on to the Maverick. http://www.discbrakeswap.com/Mustang Disc Brake Conversion Kits SWAP 4.html