Anyone ever try and "beef up" the LCA's? By that I mean maybe welding a flat piece of steel across the underside of the arm, thereby maybe strengthening it against twisting? Another question is, has anyone used a bump steer kit on their cars? If so howd it work out?
Yep ! We did this to the Comet that was shipped to Germany . It added strength . Before we did this we were driving "convoy style' in another car and the guy in front of us decided to stop at a restaurant he liked without signaling.. We had to brake quick and when we did the car went off onto the shoulder and hit a 'pot hole' .. The action was enough to actually ' Bend ' The tubular control arm on the Passenger Side .. Didn't hit anything .. had to tow the car back home and missed the meet. It's not that difficult we used 1/4" inch thick plate and shaped it to conform to the 'NEW' LCAs before welding. I recommend the procedure even if you take short hops.. or long trips. Never know when you might have to take ' evasive action' and end upon the shoulder. Cometized (Chip)
Here is link to kit for beefing up your LCA's, unless you are going to road race your car, factory arms are for the most part fine, again it all depends on what you want to do with your car. If you want your car to handle better, converting over to "roller spring perches" is probably the best bang for your buck, IMO........ Regarding bumpsteer, have you actually measured how much you have?? All our Mav/Comets do have a certain amount of bumpsteer, as to how much affect it actually has, it all depends on what you have done to your front end. On my Comet, having "rollerized" the whole front end, along with cut down 620 lb/ft. coils, adjustable strut rods, the bumpsteer is next to nothing, so no need to have a kit.......... Soft/worn out OEM springs that have alot of up/down travel, will have more bumpsteer than stiffer springs with less travel, at least that was what I found with my Comet. Here is one from eBay, cheap enough if you want to give it a try? I would make sure your suspension is in good shape before thinking about bumpsteer......... David
dyent....I dont see the link for the LCA beefing up. And my Mav is fine in the bumpsteer catagory, however, the fairlane I am building will surely benefit from that adapter, thanks.
oops, here is the link to opentrackerracing LCA reinforcement kit........ I'm sure there are other manufacturers out there, but gives you an idea. David