NPD All FORD Show @ Silver Springs State Park - Ocala, FL This Coming SATURDAY.. ONE DAY ONLY .. See y'all there ? Cometized (Chip)
Wouldn't you know it, it's going to freeze in Ocala Saturday night, the same system that's going to freeze Frank's lawn this weekend. MD
Hi Will: We're heading out at 6:00 a.m. RAIN , SHINE , COLD , WET OR DRY .. The heaters and defrosters all work in the cars and we all have nice warm jackets , hats, and some really good chamois to 'freshen up ' the cars when we park. Should be an interesting day .. I recall one of the NPD shows we attended and while driving there it actually SNOWED on the way to the show and when we parked there was snow on all the cars.. One dude even made a miniature snow-man in front of his Mustang . ( Got pictures - ha ) Got a cooler full of sandwiches and Hot Coffee and Cocoa for refreshments. It's a great show and I expect a LOT of Mavericks and Comets to be there. Hope to see a lot of you folks ' there ' !! Cometized (Chip)
The show was pretty good. not as many cars this year because of the weather. The rain stopped early then started to get cold, but we still had a good day with 9 cars in our group. 2 Comets and 7 Mavericks. Chips Comet was looking good, as well as Kimberlie's Maverick...
Hi Everett: Just noticed your THURSDAY post asking how many cars we were taking to the show . We took THREE .. Kims 72 Maverick , MY 70 Maverick and the 74 COMET ! .. It was a real hoot !! Rained on the way UP there .. We dried them off with our chamois and waxed them a little and then sat around enjoying the show. The temperature dropped some and it got colder. Lots of cars .. even with the rain and cold . Had a HOT meal and some HOT coffee afterwards at a Real Nice Restaurant named BLACK WATER INN on the St.Johns Riverfront . Great camaraderie .. Great Food .. Great DAY !! Waiting for the NEXT ONE ..... ( NPD Show that is ) ... Did you hear any more about the HOT ROD Power Tour Route ?? Just Curious . Cometized (Chip)
you can see the pitures on my fb page. this site never lets me upload pictures, always says security token missing.
The Silver Springs show has always been my favorite show to attend. I attended every show from 2002-2015. The only reason I missed the last 2 was my move to NC. I remember well the snow and cold temps that one time. My '69 Cougar had an 8" icicle hanging from the front fender. The heater hut I brought was a very popular spot since the high for the day was 32 degrees. You had to really want to be there that day. Also rain, cool and heat times but always a good time.
I got a Ford Performance email with a passing mention of the show. They posted one picture, and I blew it up as large as it would render. If you look all the way to the right, it looks like the back end of a Blue Maverick, with a yellow one next to it. Across the aisle is a Falcon, so if they are still designating spots like in the past, this pretty much fits. Here is the article ....