Hey Dan.... Here is a lite tan one...cheaper than any of the other Mustang places. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/e...&item=4526631036&rd=1&sspagename=STRK:MEWA:IT
He had that out there last week also and it didn't sell ... must have relisted. I gotta wait until the LDO buckets are in to see if there is enough space .... Since you have an LDO car .. do you think there is enough room for these consoles in there?
Dan let me know what you find that works, circumstances have dictated that I move the resto on the Comet to the front burner, it has the LDO tan buckets also and something with a cupholder is mandatory.
I have not tryed one in my car yet. I was hoping somebody else would first To me...there doesn't look to be enough room. When I get my car out of its winter sleep....I will drive it over to The Paddock and see if it fits.
Mark, or anyone for that matter, does anyone know what years the probe had those seats in them? I assume they had that style for more than one year ('93)... I really like those buckets and might try to find some. Did you change out your backseat also? or is it stock?
wmw--I am not really sure what years besides '93 the Probe had those kind of seats. I got mine on Ebay..and I do see similar ones ever so often... I did not change my back seat. Mine is stock black vinyl.
Now that my LDO seats are in I don't see how any console will fit with LDO buckets. The recline handles from the seats extend over the center hump ...
Well....I finally drove over to The Paddock for a "test" fit on the Hump Hugger. While it does fit, it is too large to allow the seats to fold forward, allow access for the seat belts, or allow access to the recliner handles. The Hump Hugger is 6 1/2 wide (advertised)...so one would need a thinner console or Hump Hugger. Hump Hugger also makes its product for many, many cars...maybe one of those would fit? Maybe I will just make my own to fit in between the LDO seats on my 1974.
Too bad. It's a nice-looking console. The Granada console fits with the LDO seats. It's really narrow...
Once I get my camera working I will send some pictures of the custom seat reclining handles for the LDO seats. I made them to clear the custom console I made for my '73 with LDO seats. The console would clear the LDO seats with the custom handles but there might be an issue with the seat bottom towards the front of the car where it gets wide. It is also nice to have the seatbelts with the hard plastic around them to put them within reach instead of having them fall down beside the seat and console. They are very hard to find!!!!! I have LDO seats in my Grabber and can bring the custom handles to the round up if anyone wants to test fit a console. I would buy one if it fits.