My lower radiator hose was touching the fuel pump and I cut 1/2 inch off the radiator end of it to move it away from it. It is still very close. Is this normal? do I have a poorly molded hose, or the wrong hose? Or is this okay? It seems like I wouldnt want that hose to be pre-heating my fuel?
I had a Carter Superpump on my car years ago and had the same problem. It didn't cause any fuel issues but the hose was visibly worn where it made contact with the pump.
I cut another hose up and wrapped the radiator hose and clamped it to keep from chapping the hose, never had a heated fuel issue that I was aware of but is a concern as it only makes sense
Not a bad idea, I don't think you can trim the hose enough to clear without ending up with a funky angle.
If I cut any more, the last bend in the hose will be on the radiator sleeve. I suppose I will just leave it, or try to rig a thin heat deflector or something. Maybe it doesn't matter. It is close to running though!!!
The diameter of the pump inlet is larger than the outlet on the radiator. It's been a while but I seem to remember some hoses taper down on the rad side, and some taper up to the pump side.
I don't recall - I will check tomorrow and see if I can find some info on it. I do recall it has a spring inside to eliminate collapsing.
The pump is bolted to a hot engine and you're worried about a rubber hose?? The inlet to pump is cooled water... I'd worry about the hose chafing...
The consensus seems to be a lack of issues with I'll give up on that and focus on more clearance, or a ati-chaffing device like Mike suggested......But I still wonder if different brands of molded hoses fit a little differently.
I'd say that's a possibility, mine has no issues... I dunno what the numbers mean but it came from Advance Auto Parts approx three years ago...
I checked the hose and I was mistaken on the fact it has spring but, never had issue w/ collapsing. Also, it does barely touches the fuel pump; cutting a 1/16" at the radiator connection wud get it off the fuel pump. After examining it, it looks fine, no abrasion after several years -- leaving it as is. I am running a Champion 3 row rad, I think it's a little thicker than the OE or I don't believe it wud make contact w/ pump. I am running a Gates 20702.,cooling+system,radiator+lower+hose,2057
Thanks Mojo. I didnt even stop to think of the effect of a 3 row radiator. That may very well be the reason it is so close.