Should I replace my carb or have it rebuilt ? Purchased the car about two weeks ago It look as if every part on the car was original. But overall runs good with a few hiccups here and there. I have an acceleration problems so I was going to have my carb rebuilt or just replace it. Which would you suggest ? Oh yeh I'm a new member been lurking on the forum for two weeks now I'm happy to make my first post 1970 Maverick Much love from Birmingham, Alabama What's up fellas!
First check your Vacume Advance on the distributor. Make sure you are getting the right Vacume, at the right Time and that it is working. There are cheap Carb Kits,as in the Accelerator Pump area. Best to have the original Carb rebuilt. Can you send a picture of the Carb with Air Filter off. Mine is a daily Driver 1970 -200 with a Holly one Barrel!
hello from rome ga! i say rebuild it and see what happens. mine was the same way when i got it. 70 here too.
also i set my timing at 12deg advanced once i had the carb set properly. makes all the difference in the world.
All original parts! What condition are the plugs, plug wires, distributor cap, points and rotor? You might want to check these items prior to a carburetor rebuild or replacement.
Whenever I stump the gas pedal the car tries to cut off. This is from idle and coming from a stop. Pedal has to be feathered. I have looked over many of the past post on the same issues but just wanted to post my experience and see what everyone thinks. I think accelerator pump. Could accelerator pump be tuned or that has to be rebuilt? Oh oh oh I went to look at a 1985 cutlass today and when the engine was shutoff I tugged on the accelerator cable and I saw the gas shoot down the throats of the carb but on my maverick when I tug on it nothing happens no squirts at all. Is that the accelerator pump ?
That is the accelerator pump. The pump should shoot fuel when opening the throttle, anywhere from idle to A predetermined amount of opening. It shoots long enough to insure fuel flow has started from the main booster. Idle and low speed fuel flows because of manifold vacuum. manifold vacuum drops when the throttle is opened quickly. Without the pump shot, the fuel flow stops. You know what happens then. Opening the throttle slowly (feathering) keeps manifold vacuum high enough to maintain idle circuit fuel flow, and allows the engine to accelerate until there is enough air flow to create venturi vacuum which activates the main fuel circuit. The lack of pump shot could be caused by A clogged fuel passage, A bad soft part, missing or disconnected linkage, or A bad adjustment. I think you should rebuild the carb. Follow the instructions carefully. Clean thoroughly. You will appreciate the experience. Carburetors are the coolest things.
Common for pump diaphragm to be defective on those... Plus on at least some models, a leaking diaphragm will cause a rich idle plus the dead spot just off idle... Usually a careful rebuild fixes those carbs...
Thats the other Carb ,now try to twist the whole Carb! The four screws that hold the base plate to the main body are bad about backing out with viberation-normal engine running! Remove carb turn up side down and tighten those screws. In the 90s I worked for jeep,we would see six cylinders come into the shop with tennis shoes under the hood ,on top of the air filter,to make the carb vacume leak stop ! Hope this helps.
Keep the original carb. The Carter YF's are very easy to rebuild .......... Just an FYI, the 1970 carb throttle position and throttle linkage setup are a 1 year only design. Ford changed it for 1971 and many replacement carbs sold for 1970 cars, do not swap into the 1970 linkage.