I was reading on of the post on the cars show and I just had to tell everyone my expericne at the last car show i attended The show I went to was a everything car show. Chevy, Mopar, Ford, Street Rod, Bike etc. Some very nice cars! However the first encounter was two guys came up to my car and one guys said “yeah this car took best 70’s car last year”. And his buddy (while I’m sitting right there) looks as him him rolls his eyes and does this hand jerking motion (I’m sure you know what I mean.) so I’m like ok.. maybe he was bitter because he lost to a maverick last year. The second encounter was I was parked next to this guy in this Chevy II nova. Very nice car.. but I just couldn’t get over the foot ½ decal on the side of his window that said… “If Chevys sucks then Fords Blow” I don’t know but I just thought even if it say it the other way around I just don’t think that’s cool. But I was like whatever.. I just figured that at least I was the only maverick out of 200 plus cars and he was like one of like 20 chevy II’s The last comment actually kinda bothered me not because of what he said be because I was sitting right there about 2 feet away from him while he made the comment. These two old guys… (ok sorry for the old guy comment but they could have been my dad or grandpa ) walk up to my car and said “The best thing ford ever did was stop making these cars!” Like is said before most of these things don’t bother me and about 95% of the time I get nice comments and sometimes even the same people coming back over and over again to look at the car… but this one kinda took the cake. Guess some people didn’t take a course in manners 101.
Some people really have a way with words. But you know, most of the bad comments that I hear, the people really don't have a clue as to what they are talking about. So all they do is show their ignorance. Oh well, their loss. Preston
I remember pulling into a McDonalds for a local cruise night about 10 years ago. Was driving my green 70 Grabber (now owned by MMB member Dave Ring). It wasn't painted yet...but it stil looked very very nice. it was my first show to go to in this car...as I hadn't owned a Maverick for about 6 years....and I was exciting to "show it off". As I pull in...some guy comes running over...waving his arms like crazy!! cool...the welcoming committee!! Probably wants to admire a Maverick...all original mind you!! He walks up and says, "Parking for car show cars only." I said, "I am a car show car"....and he let me in. I had a frown on my face the rest of the nite....but does make for a funny story.
Usually the bozo'z making stupid comments, or having the stupid ' I hate_____ cars' sticker are in the end, showing their intelligence. Some people should just stay home if they dont want to see variety. Dan
As my Dad always said, "people do not have the power to bother you, as much as you have the power to let them". He was a smart man!
No matter what you build,someone will despise it.Those 2 guys could probably tell you some good stories about that '74 boss 351 cobrajet torino they had once....you can't hide ignorance.
To the clowns who can't resist putting down our cars, I have only one thing to say, " Different strokes for different folks. Only some folks 'stroke' thiers a little too often.
I had a different experience. I was approached by a local guy who was a member of a local Classic Car Club. He and his club members all have nicely restored vehicles....of all kinds. He asked me to join them in a get together at the local diner on Friday night...to hang out and show your car off. I never went because I was embarrassed of how bad my car looked. He finally talked me into going to the annual car show his club sponsered held at the fair grounds. Well I showed up. Parked my car next to his 72 chevelle. My car looked like crap compared to the rest. But to my suprise, many many people stopped to look at my car and just raved how cool it was. All the car show guys commented what a nice "project" I had. Most said "You don't see them anymore" They were all cool. Course most people here in Maine are good folks. They all made me feel welcome...and I was happy for that.......then again my wife says people don't mouth off to me because I have that look about me.....the 'kick your friggin ass' look. So who knows. D. Ray
The people that make those types of comments are NOT car guys. They are die hards of the car they know. They have a closed mind to the meaning hot rod or restomod. I know the comments are hard to ignore, but be the better person and let them think what they will. We know better.
One of the guys who helps me with high school drag racing class sounds just like the two who "know better" than you. he's a certified Ford freak but has his own ideas of what's "cool", according to him the only car woth having is a fox-platform Mustang or Capri. the shock towers in Mavericks/ Comets makes them impossible to work on, Mustang II's have the stupidest design ever, early 70's Mustangs are too heavy, blah, Blah, blah. But since working with me he's bought a MustangII, and is currently making a deal to get himself a Comet plus a Comet parts car. Next time ask them how they got there, porbably mom's honda!
77mav302, Drop me a PM and tell me about this high school drag racing class you're talking about. It sounds like something I've been thinking about trying in my area. Thanks,
Yeah, there's always one or two in every crowd. I try not to let them bother me. Not quite as bad, but I got my first "What is it, a Nova?" in a while at the McDonald's drive through last night. His first comment was "Nice hood" though. He was embarrassed in the end though, because he said he was a Ford guy.