Im looking for the best place to buy floor pans for a 73 comet....did a quick search and nothing ... And also what other cars will have the same or close to.the same floor pan
No one makes replacement Maverick and Comet floorpans. Most people use Mustang replacement pans, which require a little massaging to get them to fit. Not a big deal though. Just search for floor pans. Don't mean to be rude, but just search and read. It has been discussed dozens of times. The search is your friend. You will read about people's feedback, what they used, and even get pictures.
well i wanted to ask myself seeing as when i searched for floor pans i only came up with one post maybe im doing something wrong.... so i went on ebay and looked for 65 mustang pan and saw that they where available but then i saw a pan that fits a 71 comet im guessing that might be my best choice... im guessing.....
I believe that one has been discussed before and that floor pan will not work. Get the ones for a 65-70 Mustang and cut, bend, weld and they will look great! Or run and ad in the classified to find some used Maverick ones.
here is what mine looks like and here is where i order mine and it only took a week to get them
Hi Randy, If you have not already purchased floor pan from another make of car you can find not only floor pans but about 90-100 different products for Mavericks and Comets 69 1/2 through 77 at FB site Maverick Comet Restoration. Just PM me if need help finding locations that provide various items. Patti
Hi I got mine from maverick comet Restoration and a few other parts. Great quality and price oh and shipping was to. He has everything on his Facebook page. Good luck and have fun Stockish
go on facebook and search for " maverick comet restoration " its a closed group but easily joined.. he has a fab shop that makes a lot of parts for Mavs and Comets