For those of you who put your car on a rotisserie, did you have to go buy one? Where did you get it. What brand did you get. What would you do differently, etc. I have also seen pictures and videos of people who tipped their car. If you did this, how did you do it. Would you recommend it, etc. Thanks,
I bought the cheapest one Accessible Systems had back in 2001. It was $725 delivered to my work. Inbetween cars I rented it out for $25 a month and made back $400. I would recommend buying a better one with hydraulic lifts if you can afford it. Makes it a lot easier to get your car set up.
I used three 2x6 legs and tipped mine on it's side. Didn't get the math just right and it got heavy, very heavy at an awkward point of the lift. I was still able to do it myself but when I had to bring it down I hooked it to my hoist.
Wow. Impressive ingenuity to say the very least. Any chance you have the measurements and angles? And a guess at what was wrong with the math?