I see you have a Bobcat Wagon, too. Actually, I was posting this more for comedy than anything. I was surprised to see any Mercury with a Sport Wheel. Thinking about it now, late 70s Cougars may have had these steering wheels, too. I have a nice set of vinyl blister decal emblems that Seth made, and I will be using these on my wheel centers and steering wheel. Not the same pattern as this, but they will all match. Thanks for the offer.
NOS they can get a little pricey... https://www.ebay.com/itm/NOS-1977-1...ustang-Pinto-Fairmont-1978-1979-/401407466904
But can be found for cheaper https://www.ebay.com/itm/Ford-Horn-...ash=item4b2b80b517:g:aw8AAOSwLJ9Z9PDu&vxp=mtr
About 10 or more years ago Seth made some really nice Comet emblems to go into center caps on the Magnum 500 wheels. I bought 10 of them just because I figured i’d find a use for them one day. They make great horn buttons.