It's been a long, cold and wet winter in these parts. My Mavericks have been in winter storage for almost 4 months now and I'm getting itchy to get them back out on the road again. They won't see the road again until the road salt is washed away. This morning as I stepped out of the house to head up to the shop, the first thing that caught my attention was the sound of Canadian Geese flying overhead. These were not the local geese that spend the winter on the nearby river. I'm talking about flock after flock of migratory geese heading due NORTH. There was even a flock of Snow Geese mixed in with them. I had to smile. Spring can't be too far away. I don't know about anyone else, but I can hardly wait.
Tell me about it. Haven't seen any geese here in Maine yet. Today its nice here though...everyone out in T-shirts. The temp at the bank said 47! Ahhhh...eaten lunch outside today!!!
The only good thing about winter is, it ends. A couple of times this week I almost pulled the Harley out of the dinning room to take a spin.
Amen to that. Can't wait for those long hot summer weekends. The smell of freshly cut grass and deep blue skies. Outside workin on the mav with a beer and a classic rock station playing in the background is what its all about.
Hmm, never heard of putting a car up for winter. Must be a northern thing! We drive 'em year round down here. heh heh heh
my "bride" and i were riding around the other day looking for a mav. a guy told me about. i turned in a guys driveway to ask about the mav. and when i rolled the window down we could hear the ...frogs and crickets hollering... spring time in ga....frank...
Let's see...freeze to death or get blown away. The freezing part happens every year up north. Hurricanes don't hit the same places every year. Of course the west coast of FL was a definite exception this year. I guess I'll stick with the sunny south.
I know what yer talking about. I lived in the Smokey Mountains of good ole NC before I moved here to Maine......I have an appointment next week to get my head examined. Nahh, it's not bad here in the spring summer and fall...especially if ya like to hunt and fish. D. Ray