has anyone had any experience with Trick Flow Twisted Wedge heads? I found some at Summit Racing for around $925 (for 2 heads). The specks on them 190cc intake runners, 70cc exhaust 58cc chambers, good to .550 lift. I also just purchased a 360ci Windsor short block from summit (351 .040 over), that's what im needing better heads for.
The "twisted wedge" refers to the intake valves relocation on that head which usually means specific piston valve relief requirement. If the cam is mild?.. then you may get by with regular inline valve reliefs. Bigger flat tappet cams and especially higher lift roller cams usually need extra PTV clearance.
In my opinion either Trick Flow or AFR are the best out-of-the-box small block ford heads you can buy. As groberts 101 points out, PTV clearance is the issue depending on the piston design. Chamber volume and proper cam selection are also a consideration. The good news - The Trick Flow heads you have selected should work well on your 360ci short block. The bad news - I believe that price is for an individual head unless they are something off their clearance rack. In that case and at that price they are probably already sold.
There are better, AFR for one but still the TW are VERY good heads(especially for price difference)... I have a set I bought back in '99, other than upgrading to .600 lift springs and valve clean up they've been fine... Springs were not giving a issue but a friend did break one on his TW heads, he was running over the maximum rated .540 lift...
I spoke with the builder about the twisted wedge heads, They said there might be an issue with the valves hitting the pistons. So now i'm looking at Blue Print Engines "muscle series heads" or Ford performance X heads. not sure which ones yet.
Cost more money but Fords X heads will kick the others ass but just be aware that some/all?.. have raised exhaust ports. which may throw your header fitment/selection even further down the proverbial toilet then it already is. lol Also double check the valve pocket depths for the pistons in the shortblock. Stock'ish or hypereutectics usually aren't real deep for bigger valves/cams. Not sure how rowdy you're getting but that factor really limits the valve and cam sizing so you want to think ahead. Pun intended.
How much (about) do they raise the exhaust ports. I have a MII front suspension with the shock towers removed, plus i lowered the frame stands because the motor was sitting up to high originally. My cam is not really willed, the lift is around .495/.500. i will check the ptv clearance. the heads have 1.94 in and 1.600 ex Dia and the pistons are D cup dished. should not be a issue but ill still clay them up.
Ill probably step on some toes here, But ill never put anything in my toys that have the Edelcrock name on them. its almost as bad as Moroso I've been this way ever since high school...lol.
So you don't like quality parts made in the USA by real car people? I guess in that case I'd buy flowtek from speedway.
Unless it's a custom built boutique head from a very well trusted source.. it would be prudent to always disassemble and inspect check everything before bolting them on and running the engine. Have to remember that all people in all countries LOVE money and will typically cut corners at your expense to get more and faster. Funny thing is.. people still open boxes and bolt the parts on without batting an eye. Ever disassemble a re-manufactured or even brand new oil pump? Maybe deburr engine bearings because of all the tiny semi-invisible slivers of metal still hanging around edges from the drilling/sanding prior to being over-layed with bearing materials? Made in the USA used to mean something but we now include the label on packages of junk items to help put people at ease and sell more product.. make more $$$$. Now an advertising ploy more than an indicative outcome of the products final durability and function. Nowadays it's getting almost as tough to find really good american products as it is quality built overseas products. Whatever the market will bear, I guess.
I ended up going with the Blue Print Engineering heads, since they are made in America by real car people...LOL. I actually considered the Estreet heads but the smaller spring dia. and lower flow rate did them in. The BPE heads where only $20 more.