Got a little update, not 2 seconds ago my brother came home from work and told me he wants either the black one or the green one!!! He was going to use the money he had saved up to buy him a new laptop, but I guess he's caught the Maverick bug to! Terry, sorry for sounding so unsure. Not to seconds ago I found this out. We WILL be buying your black car. I swear to it. And I'll be getting the green car. When ever is a good time for me and my bro to come look at it, let me know. There's gonna be 2 Mav's in the driveway baby! :bananaman
jamie, . and tell your brother also... i think that is great, now the two of you will have some "bonding time" and don't forget dad and grandpa ...frank... p.s. from the directions you gave i know just about where the car is...terry, are you about ready for another road trip?
Different car, Dan. The '74 never had a shroud - not air conditioned. The '76 has the shroud and you'll be glad to know that it looks like I'm going to part that one out. Watch for the shroud on e-Bay.
A promise is a promise. I did tell you that you had first shot if I parted that car. You have first shot. Make it a real good one.
Terry .. what are you doing with the 72 Grabber you got from me? I could use all the power steering components out of it if you end up parting it .. Figure I'd get them while picking up the 250 shroud.
Terry, your welcome to use my thread anytime. Frank, I'll be sure to tell my brother that for you. If I could just find a brick wall around here to demonstrate what you said...
Man, I don't get my dad. Last night he was trying to talk my brother into putting his money into a old 92' Grand AM we got sitting around instead of getting the Maverick... I wouldn't touch that car with a 10 foot pole!
I agree, a Grand Am is one of the biggest pieces of crap Pontiac ever sold. Our dealership sold Pontiacs during that era so I got to work on a hell of a lot of way would I ever own one.
I had to put a new serpentine belt on the damn thing. Had to take the belt back 3 times till we got the right one, I have no idea how many diffrent ones they made for that car. Was a royal pain to get it on. I think thats one of the slowest cars ever made. I bet the old Lynx in my grandpa's field could run circles around it! I consider myself pretty good with cars and mechanical stuff in general, and I can't even figgure out where the sparkplugs are! I litterally do NOT see a sparkplug or wire anywhere under that hood. Gotta love them P.O.N.T.I.A.C/Cheby's.
BUY BOTH!!!! Talk to your grandpa's cousin,tell him your situation and ask him to work with you.Set up a deal to give him a few bucks a week.That way you know its not going anywhere.I remember those days when I was young and broke and the cars I passed on just because I was afraid to try and work out a deal with someone.I just worked out a deal with a young guy who lives near me.He wanted a Mustang I have and I just couldn't stand watching him suffer.So I said come and get it and I'll give you the title when your finished paying me off.He stops by the house every pay day and gives me a little.The plus side is my wife is happy cause I have one less car around and this kid is a good friend now.Go for it.
:bananaman Hey, I/we had a '86 Mercury Lynx XR3 ...... like an escort GT but better That car was the reason my wife and I met, I had never seen anything like it at the time and she owned the first one in the area ...... bought it new at 17, Had the "HO " 4 banger and a 5 speed, that was a quick car. Man, I hated to get rid of it but it was pretty quick ........ Robert