I am in the process of removing my steering column and installing Borgeson upgrade for mid-size Fords. My question is basically removal of the electrical connectors attached to column? My main concern is to not damage/break the 40+ yr. old connectors "at all cost". I tried to pull them apart but cud'nt get them separated. Thought I'd better come here and ask some of the experienced folks. 1.) Is there a tab or something to lift b4 pulling them? 2.) How many connectors attached to column? I only see 2 but have not lowered the column enough to see everything. While I have the column out will replace ign. sw. and install adjustable rod on brake mc to get the pedal down from the nearly 7" to a more reasonable height. Finally, got warm enough to get some serious work done.
Everett, No secret to the plugs. You just have to work them apart. You could try a little heat with a hair dryer. That might help. I usually use a small screw driver. If your pulling it all out. I would suggest replacing the bearing and bushings in the column. As well as the firewall seal. Micah
Ok Micah! Thanks for the info. Had'nt thought abt the seal or bearings/bushings. I have to order the switches, guess I will order it all from AK tomorrow. Trying to take my time and get it right, but this time of the year I like to keep the car rolling - so it's a challenge to be patient. When you say, seal you mean seal at base of the column? Where are the bearings your referring? Guess I'll find a lot more abt the unit once I get it out - Hopefully, tomorrow.
Everett, It has been a while since I pulled mine apart. I think I highlighted the correct parts. If someone sees it differently, let Everett know. I'm sure AK or Melvins will be able to get you what you need. These items are pretty common on other models. Micah
"replace ign. sw." I replaced my switch when I did the rack n pinion swap. I bought a new switch that was bad. ordered another one and it busted installing it...put the old stock one back in and it's still working....just a thought..."if it ain't broke........."
There are "tabs" you have to pry apart in order to unplug. They may break...but that should not be a problem.
My car will continue running if I turn the key from run to accessory quickly, that's the reason for the change while column down. Why did you change yours?
Thanks for the drawing Micah! I like & appreciate u took time to highlight the parts I may need. My column does not seem to have any issues/play in the column; the car has abt 82k orig. miles. The rubber seals I will definitely try to obtain. I think my main problem will be getting the heavy steering box wedged in between the towers and headers.
Hello Everett: I just posted a video on COMET taillights you may be interested in . Check it out . Cometized (Chip)
My apologizes for adding to an old thread. I'm in the process of dismantling a 72 comet and want to remove steering column all the way to the steering box. I want to get access to under the dash and cowl and do a restore, and of cource restore the column My dashboard, master cylinder are removed. Bolts attached to 01738 circled are removed. Not sure what to unbolt at this point, is it unbolting the knuckle in photo 3524? The bolts are old and will strip, any tricks here? I never did this. Thank you. View attachment 119335