Hi all, I am in need of A pinion bumper for my '72. I haven't found one for A Maverick. I think the closest I've found is for A '64 to'70 Mustang. Will this work ? Is there A better option? https://www.dallasmustang.com/suspe...MIpfSz44i53wIVBbbICh1ahg4cEAQYDyABEgLvJPD_BwE Thank you.
Thank you Craig. I will keep that in mind. I think I may need something fresher. Maybe poly. I have significant contact between the drive line and the tunnel, so I know it will take A beating.
That was my first thought. I've used them on A couple of cars with excellent results. I have read in many places, that they cause evil handling. I don't remember that being an issue. But how much could they hurt the handling of A '68 Torino or A '71 Dart anyway ? I think I am going to make A set of caltracs knockoffs. It seems everyone that has done so really like the results.
As long as you have some welding skills making the knock offs are pretty easy to do and lots of plans to make them on the internet. The biggest issue I see with slapper bars are they are too genetic, to be correct they have to be long enough that snubber is located underneath the front eye of leaf spring and not touching but 1/4" below. Most are too short and snubber is way too far away from the spring
Because I went to public school? Thanks Larry. I didn't realize that I was doing that. Yes Yellow75 , those were the issues I was seeing. The ones that looked right were well over $200. For that money I will make some.
Do you have any pictures of those bad boys? I found your thread http://mmb.maverick.to/threads/homemade-traction-bar-pics.15768/ but I don’t see the pictures.