I watched a video today where a guy visited Offenhauser which got me looking at their catalog. While scrolling to get to the flathead V8 offerings I spotted a picture of a Maverick. I stopped to see what they were listing and it was an adapter to convert to three one barrel carbs. Interesting concept and there seems to be some positive feedback on performance. Looks like a neat option for people wanting to keep the six and increase the performance and cool factor. I did a quick search and didn't find anything on here about it, anyone have first hand experience with one?
I believe it required machining of the log, or at the least ports bored & studs tapped for the two additional carbs. Without head porting, a performance cam, header, etc one might gain 4-5Hp on upper end, while trying to keep the thing running at a stop light.
I looked around for info on installation but didn't find anything with much detail. There was one forum entry for the early Falcon and it looked like they drilled a 1 1/2" hole and smoothed the casting where it needed to seal. It would be a fun project to do though if a person wanted to keep the six.
I run a NA 250 in a 61 Comet with the Offy 3 X 1 adapter. As with most Tri-Power setups it is good for hours of fun to keep three carbs working - together. There is a real advantage in the three ports close to intake runners on the tri-power type setups to even fuel distribution. Especially with bigger carbs, the center vs end cyl's get a different fuel mix. Offy linkage can be adjusted from fully synchronous, to variable progressive with two simple adjustments with a screwdriver. Depending on adjustment the progressive linkage can open outer carb throttle plates gradually from just above idle, be set to snap to WOT at a pre-determined position on the center (main) or can open some throttle position in between . On the '61/250 with a tri-port Offy adaptor I've experimented with many multiple and single carb setups both synchronous and progressive. With a large 2bbl center carb, the outers can open progressively later into throttle position close to WOT with good results. With the classic small outer carbs and slightly bigger (CFM) main/center the outer progressives' can open at any position best for drivability.. I can literally drive the 250 to the speedway with normal tri-power progressive setup and simply re-position two sliders on rods with screwdriver to transform to synchronous operation for the day ... I also bult a Hi-Rise plenum for a big 2Bbl (500 CFM 4412) to sit on the Tri-Port adaptor. It was infinitely easier to tune , ran great from idle to WOT but wasn't any faster .. have fun
Vintage Inlines has a custom aluminum head that'll take a 4 bbl carburetor and give you a whopping 250HP. It's not cheap, but it's better than having to re-synch and/or re-adjust three separate carbs. A wise man once said "Go big or go home" Feast your eyes on this bad boy... https://www.vintageinlines.com/product-page/deposit-only-aluminum-head-package
With that setup, you would need to spend a lot more $$$ upgrading valve train, cam, exhaust system, etc., to see any worthwhile performance gains. Otherwise, IMO it's a waste of time and money. If you want something different and can afford the changes -- That's another story.