My fault ... was at a light .. bent over to stick the speaker wires back up under the dash and I guess I kinda letup on the brake. See that is why I want a Standard shift car!!!!! Well .... besides the hood and the really nice trim that was on it I don't see any other damage. Small scuff on my new front bumper where it slid under th truck bumper (plastic covered luckily). Good thing is it wasn't a Grabber hood!
Dan, I have pretty nice piece of hood trim if you want it, should buff out nice, it ws a little dented, but I straightened it out and sanded it smooth. I have a near perfect one too, but I already drilled some weep holes in the back side, I'm keeping that one. Shaun PS, I may be interested in that hood if you get a new one, you can keep the scoop
Terry - You have a nice rust free hood in your collection? I'll also trade you that Comet scoop and some cash for the Grabber hood on your 77 ....
Looks minor but with the curves, the crimps and the rear support right there I think it would be better to replace it ... Besides there is a possiblity is was bowed as well .. it is definitely sitting higher on the fender on the driver side now ...
Man!!! That sucks!! I hate that for you! Good luck getting it back together!! It won't be long and it'll be good as new (or better). Again- sorry to hear/see that! Preston
Dan; sorry to see you knicked the Mav. Hope you can get it fixed soon. If there is anything I can assist with, let me know. Later,
I Have A Stock Hood Sitting Im My Shed. Pretty Clean ,some Surface Rust On The Bottom But That Is It. Let Me Know If You Are Interested. Maybe Could Trade For Some Parts I Need. Looking For Backglass Mouldings.
Thanks ... I have some local leads already ... shipping hoods ain't really worth it unless it's a mint Grabber hood ...
Two things: 1. That's why you don't EVER drive them for a daily driver...just trailer them everywhere you go just to be safe. 2. With the new hood, you can paint it black and now join the Georgia Black Hood Maverick Gang.
I got dibs on a new hood .. it's currently orange! Picking it up Saturday ... and if it was a still a big bumper car ... the police would have had to come because I would have damaged the other vehicle!
to statement number 1 I say craig you are Mine would never get to go anywhere I dont have a trailer statement number 2 I hear there is more to it than just a having a black hood something about a special relationship