Is the stock 73-10 ohm sending and stock gauge for a 1971 linear or not? I'm having a new sender made for my fuel cell and I was asked that.
With getting both a sending unit and gauge would it make any difference ? Research on factory Ford for Mavericks was a non linear style
Using the stock gauge Mike, with aftermarket sender, so wondering what the "stock" setup was. Non linear then?
I would say non linear then , I misread statement and thought you were replacing both gauge and sender . Google search comes up with quite a few articles about this subject
Hmmm, I wonder if this is my issue. I have a stock sender and a speedhut gas gauge, the only time it reads right is when I start the car. Once I move the car my gauge drops from half a tank down to 1/8 tank and my low fuel light comes on, and never recovers until I start the car again.