Little late for that...all of it or anything specific. I have the strut rods and lower control arms loose for now. But the uppers, ball joints are tight and torqued
I got the other side torn apart, all back together and installed steering. Since today is my birthday, the kid got me this. I'll hang them up in the garage one day soon. Tomorrow, I'll need to get some crush washer for the brake lines, install cotter pins and check everything out before installing tires. Any suggestions are welcomed.
Well, finally got everything back together, good call on the lower control arms, caster was way out on the pass side. I had to pull back and forth a few times, jack it up and adjust, then repeat till I got it close. Adjusted the toe with a tape measure. It goes straight down the road but will be going to the alignment shop to get back in specs. Still havent replaced the rear shocks but by the way she is sitting, I think I'll need some rear springs as well. I need some tires desperately as they all have flat spots and I feel like I am hopping down the road. He she sits as of now. You can see the front is higher than the rear. This is what I am hoping for one day.
The stance of your car looks just about what mine looks like. I would say there is nothing wrong with your rear springs unless you are wanting it to sit lower. - Matt
To mee it looks like the ass is sagging a little more than the front now. I would like it to have a little rake plus I'm just assuming they are the original springs and at almost 50 yrs old, I know I am sagging a little more than I used to
Need a little help...need to identify the 2 top plastic pieces...they were in the car when I purchased it. Also need to see what I am missing to go from the heater box to the duct that hooks to the dash. Is there an intermediate piece that goes between the two lower items in the picture?
The top two are rocker covers that fit between the sill plate and rocker . The middle is the defrost vent. It attaches under the dash. The last piece attaches to the top of heater plenum and slides into the bottom of the defrost vent. There should be a thin foam gasket that seals the two pieces where they overlap, but they never seem to seal very well.
Man...there is a lot of space between the 2 pieces, I was hoping I was missing an intermediate piece. Gonna have to use alot of foam to fill in the gaps.
Did the car come from the factory with A/C? The pieces between A/C and non-A/C are a bit different, you may have a mix of the two there. I can't say for sure, it has been years since I looked at mine. A factory diagram could help you navigate this.