Hi Everyone, I am having a bitch of a time installing a new brake light switch on my 71 Comet. I was able to pry the old one off. I cannot move the master cylinder push rod sideways enough to get it off the post coming off the brake pedal. And I cannot move it far enough over to even slip on the new switch. Anyone have any quick suggestions on how to work this? Has anyone converted to a different type of switch that is easier to mess with? Thanks!!!
Loosen the master cylinder till nuts are only on studs two or three turns, will give enough "wiggle" room to fit switch into place.
Are you talking about the 2 bolts that are holding the master cylinder to the firewall under the hood?
Something doesn't seem right. If you pulled the pin clip, the switch / nylon washers / bushing and the master rod should slide right off the big pin on the brake pedal. I've not had to loosen a master yet to get one apart. Maybe I'm just lucky .........
That is exactly what I was expecting to happen, but it didn't. I will try to loosen up the mater cylander bolts tomorrow and see if it gives any wiggle room. If it doesn't I am at a loss at what to do that will not involve a whole bunch of unnecessary work.
I've found it far easier to resemble switch when MC is slightly loose. Not saying it can't be reinstalled without loosening, just far easier when you do. Used method last year when I replaced orig MC on Fairlane before leaving for home.
I used a BFS slid between the pedal and rod. They were like an old married couple and didn't want to be separated after 40+ years.
Do I need to remove the brake lines from the master cylinder before or during the loosening of the bolts? Will the master cylinder move enough with the brake lines attached to provide wiggle room on the push rod so I can slip on the new brake light switch?
Finally success??? I wish i could say i was able to use Krazy Komet's suggestion. But I could not get to the master cylinder bolts well enough to loosen them without the wrench\socket slipping off. Don't know why the previous owner changed form studs to thru bolts. So as a last resort. before taking to a shop, I got out the biggest screwdriver I had and pried the pushrod over just far enough to get the new switch on. Thankfully it moved far enough, it would not go any further. Thanks for all the advice. I am glad I reached out to the forum. I learned some thing I never would have thought of to try to solve this.
Could have been worse ... If you have a stick, the clutch linkage will make you lose your mind while trying to do this. My 71 that I had way back went through 3 brake light switches in four year, and it was a stick. My 72 that I have now is an automatic, and I think it still may have the factory switch in it (160K miles!).