If the hooker 6901 headers fit older 60s mustangs and Mavericks would the classic Shelby styling Try-y heards work on our maves also I think i read some where that the try-y header clears the gt40p head spark plugs.
Someone posted here in the last 2 weeks about using them. I asked for pics but don't recall seeing any other info. Seth
I called central coast mustangs in California and they claim that the ones they make will clear plugs on GT40P heads but won't fit in Mavericks. didn't ask how he knew but he didn't hesitate when I asked him.
Tri Y headers Just got through doing a I-6 to 302 swap, I used a pair of 1966 vintage tri-y headers with this swap. My car is a 1969 1/2 so I had to dimple the collector to clear the steering arm when turning a sharp left, other than that you can throw them in. No jacking of motor or anything. My heads are standard 302 I don't know about the GT-40p heads though. There is plenty of plug changing room and room for tightning header bolts. Sorry about the pics, I dropped my camera and had to send it in for repair 150.00 flat rate at Sony, I'll try and post some soon.
I ordered Tri-y's from Fordpowertrain made for dart and P heads, from what I hear someone in the midwest has them on a Mav. I'll be getting them around the end of the month, so I'll post back on how they fit, the downside is they are a little $.
I finally got the FPA gt40p/dart tri-y's installed, the passenger side went right in fits perfect, the driver side I had to remove the pitman arm to get the header in only to find out that the one 2" tube is in the way of the pitman arm, so I did some cutting and bending and got the one tube 1 1/4" higher to clear the pitman arm, they are in. If I ever get around to it I'll post some pictures.