I like it...but it takes too much HP to run it I like my "460" A/C.....roll 4 windows down at 60 mph.
SUMMER The A/C system is not as efficient as the modern A/C's of today, but it's a lot better than nothing when it's 100 degrees outside! I would say your work commute needs to be longer than 10 minutes, to be worth it, though. It takes a long time to cool the poorly insulated ducts back down. My last job got me home in less than that, so I chose to drive a non-A/C Maverick about half of the time.
I am still buiding my car, but hope to hear of a good, modern aftermarket AC unit to use in it before I get too far along. I'd like to add it while I'm re-assembling the car. Anyone have something they're happy with, cooling their car? John B.
I love the condensation on the dash when I run it for a while. I wonder if it is rusting on the bcakside. Anyway, it is -14f here this morning, so AC is the last thing on MY mind.
we love our A/C and it works great I replaced the stock Hp robbing unit with one from a 91 dodge caravan using all the stock hoses and stuff.
I thought about talking to these guys mainly because they are in my neck of the woods. http://www.air-tique.com/ These people are also in Texas. http://www.vintageair.com/ In my younger days a lack of A/C or heat was no big deal. But now I can tell I don't tolerate being uncomfortable as well as I used to. I really like working in my heated and A/C shop and I don't think I will have another car without them both ever again. So now I am not just older but spoiled as well.
Got an under dash unit, and I love it. It will put icicles on your mustache. I am running R134A, and it is fine. Earl
My plan is to have working A/C with the power disc brakes & power steering. Gotta convert to 134 though. Just a nice luxury cruiser...lol, seriously.
Doug; no, it is an aftermarket. I will get the particulars and put it up on here tonight. The only thing about it, is that the condensation will run to the right side of the dash, on the unit. I just keep a towel in the floor boards to keep it dry. Earl